Python Tutorials for MEEG211


In this tutorial, we take our first steps in Python, by introducing its main features, its basic syntax, data types and basic operations.

Tutorial 1 -- Control Statements

In this tutorial, we learn how to use basic control statements, such as while/elif, if/else, for.

Tutorial 2 -- Functions

In this tutorial, we learn how to define functions in Python.

Tutorial 3 -- The NumPy module

In this tutorial, we learn how to use the NumPy module, especially to produce multidimensional arrays.

Tutorial 4 -- Graphical Outputs in Python

In this tutorial, we learn how to produce great graphical outputs with the Matplotlib module.

Tutorial 5 -- Animations with Python

In this tutorial, we learn how to produce animations with the `Matplotlib` module. We illustrate the process with a simple parabolic motion.

Tutorial 6 -- Simulation of a Dynamic System

In this tutorial, we learn how to simulate a dynamic system from the integration of ODEs.

Tutorial 7 -- Animation of a Dynamic System

In this tutorial, we learn how to produce an animation of a dynamic system governed by ODEs.