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Dr. Lian-Ping (Huanlin) Wang


Research Activities

Refereed Journal Publications
Current and Past Research Projects
Graduate Students and Research Associates

Research News

10/2017, Scientia article: Understanding Particle-fluid interaction dynamics in turbulent flow
11/2016, UD’s Lian-Ping Wang recognized for work in multiphase turbulent flows
10/2012, Wang contributes invited paper on cloud microphysics
8/2012, UD researchers contribute to workshop on environmental multiphase flows
10/2011, Wang honored for pioneering fluid mechanics research
9/2010, Summer workshop on Multiscale Computing for Cloud Physics
4/2010, Wang's paper recognized among top-cited articles in Atmospheric Research
9/2009, NSF awards a petascale computing grant to study turbulent clouds
8/2009, UD faculty receive NSF grant to study nanoparticle transport
12/2011, UD's new Mills computing cluster
10/2010, 3,168 processor cores to power new UD supercomputer
126 Spencer Laboratory | University of Delaware | Newark, DE 19716-3140 | phone 302-831-8160| fax 302-831-3619