Undergraduate Courses taught at UD:
MEEG342 Heat Transfer
MEEG341 Thermodynamics
MEEG438 Computational Multiphase Flow
MEEG481 Computer Solutions for Engineering Problems
MEEG467 Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
Graduate Courses taught at UD:
MEEG837 Multiphase Flow and Transport [A][B]
MEEG833 Mesoscopic CFD Method [A][B][C]
MEEG638 Computational Multiphase Flow [A][B][C]
MEEG630 Intermediate Fluid Mechanics [A]
MEEG832 Fluid Dynamics II
MEEG667 Introduction to Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
MEEG681 Computer Solutions for Engineering Problems
Other Teaching Activities:
Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics (Spring 2017, SUSTec, China)
Multiphase Flow and Transport (8 lectures, 12/2015, KasNU, Kazakhstan)
Direct numerical simulation of turbulent flows using mesoscopic methods
(2 lectures, 7/2015, ICMMES2015 tutorial lectures, Beijing, China)
Fundamental Approaches to Multiphase Flows (10 lectures, 12/2013, KazNU, Kazakhstan)
Simulation and Modeling of Multiphase Flows (4 lectures, 7/2013, HUST, China)
Introduction to the lattice Boltzmann Method (4 lectures, Spring 2010, Brown University)
[A] Courses offered in online / distance learning format
[B] Courses can be used to meet the math course requirement for graduate degree programs
[C] Courses can be used for The UD Graduate Certificate in Computational Science and Engineering