- 2021-date: Professor Emeritus, University of Delaware
- 1990-2021: Associate Professor, University of Delaware
(2000-2019 Associate Chairman for Undergraduate Education, Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Delaware)
- l985-1990: Assistant Professor
University of Delaware, Mechanical Engineering Department, Newark, Delaware 19716
- l980-l985: Development Engineer
Honeywell Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- l980-l984: Research Assistant
Division of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Minnesota
- l978-l980: Teaching Assistant
Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
- University of Delaware, Mechanical Engineering Department, Newark, Delaware
- Professor Emeritus, 2021-date.
- Associate Professor, tenured, 1990-2021;
Associate Chairman for Undergraduate Education, Mechanical Engineering, 2000-2019 (on leave for two sabbatical semesters: Springs 2005 and 2013).
- Assistant Professor l985-1990.
- Responsibilities: Develop a research program in computer-aided engineering. Teach under-graduate courses in mechanical design and computer-aided engineering; focal point for undergraduate education issues for the Mechanical Engineering Department. Develop and teach advanced (graduate level) courses in computer-aided design.
- Courses taught (or co-taught)
- Honeywell Incorporated, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Development Design Engineer, part-time employee, 1980-1985.
- Responsibilities: Assist in the design of weapon-system components through finite-element analysis; develop and implement simple computational tools.
- Division of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, University of Minnesota
- Research Assistant, 1980-1984.
- Responsibilities: Transfer and implement graphics software on a PDP 11/44 system; write the software needed to utilize the digital data from an image analyzer; work on the system to clinically generate three-dimensional facial data.
- Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Minnesota
- Teaching Assistant, 1978-1979.
- Responsibilities: Grade homework and tests; conduct labs which included lecturing, testing and problem solving sessions. Courses: Mechanical Engineering System Analysis, Analysis of Mechanism Systems and Basic Measurements Laboratory.