Computing Assignment 3

Phase 1

This phase corresponds to the rotational motion of the toast about \(O\). We take advantage of conservation of energy to find that angle \(\theta\) is given by \[ \dot{\theta}^2 = \omega^2 \sin\theta , \qquad \omega^2 = \frac{6gd}{b^2 + 3d^2} \] The friction and normal force are given by \[ F = mg B \sin\theta, \quad N= mg D \cos\theta \] with \[ B= \frac{b^2 +9d^2}{b^2 +3d^2},\qquad D= \frac{b^2}{b^2 +3d^2} \] This phase lasts as long as \(F\leq \mu N\), that is, \(\theta \leq \theta_1 = \tan^{-1}(\mu D/B)\). We can then easily find \(\theta\) vs \(t\) or rather \(t\) vs \(\theta\) by using the following quadrature: \[ t = \frac{1}{\omega} \int_0^\theta \frac{du}{\sqrt{\sin u}}, \qquad 0< \theta \leq\theta_1 \qquad (1) \] This gives \(t=t_1\) by setting \(\theta=\theta_1\).

Python Coding: This is straightforward to code by using the function quad of the module scipy.integrate which needs to be loaded. We need to define a function to define \(f(x)=1/\sqrt{\sin{x}}\). Prior to finding time \(t_1\), we define the constants \(B\), \(D\), \(\omega\), \(\theta_1\), \(\omega_1 =\dot{\theta}_1\). To plot \(\theta\) vs \(t\), we define 2 arrays according to equation (1).

## Import the necessary libraries/modules

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pypl
from scipy.integrate import quad

# We define parameters: b, d, h, g and mu

b=0.04 ; # toast half length [m]
d= 0.004 ; # offset length [m]
h=0.75 ; # table height [m]
g= 9.81 ; # gravitational acceleration [m/s^2]
mu= 1; # static/kinetic friction coefficient

###################### PHASE 1 ##############################
#  Rotational phase: we take advantage of the conservation of
#  energy to reduce the problem to a simple quadrature.
#  First we solve for angle theta1, the incipient slip angle, the 
#  corresponding value of omega=omega1 and the end time t=t1

B= 1+ (6*d**2)/(b**2 + 3*d**2)
D= 1+ (-3*d**2)/(b**2 + 3*d**2)
theta1= np.arctan((mu*D)/B)
print ("theta1 = ",180*theta1/np.pi," degrees")

# conservation of energy gives theta_dot^2 = omega^2 * sin(theta)
# with omega:

omega = np.sqrt(6*g*d/(b**2 +3*d**2))

# find omega1 = theta_dot at t=t1  [rad/s]

omega1= omega*np.sqrt(np.sin(theta1))
print ("omega1 = ",omega1," rad/s")

# find time t=t1 such that theta(t1)=theta1

def NoSlip(theta):
    return 1/(omega*np.sqrt(np.sin(theta)) )

time1, err1 = quad(NoSlip, 0, theta1);
print ("time1 = ",time1," sec"," error= ",err1)

# solve for time t, 0 < t <t1 such that t=  (1/omega)* int_0^theta d phi/sqrt(sin(phi))

Theta1 = np.linspace(0, theta1, 100)
Time1= np.linspace(0, time1, 100)
for i in range(1, 100):
    Time1[i], err1 =  quad(NoSlip, 0, Theta1[i])
    if( err1 > 0.0001):
        print('warning! error = ',err1)
    Theta1[i]= 180*Theta1[i]/np.pi
pypl.plot(Time1,Theta1)  # plot theta vs time (PHASE 1)

Phase 2: Slip Phase

To compute the motion during phase 2, we integrate the ODEs governing \((r,\theta)\): \[ \begin{cases} m (\ddot{r}-r\dot{\theta}^2) =-\mu N + mg \sin\theta\\ m (2\dot{r}\dot{\theta}+ r \ddot{\theta})= -N + mg \cos\theta\\ \frac{1}{3} mb^2 \ddot{\theta}= r N \end{cases} \qquad (2-4) \] with initial conditions \(r=d\), \(\dot{r}= 0\), \(\theta= \theta_1\), \(\dot{\theta}= \omega_1\). To do this numerically we use the function odeint of the module scipy.integrate. We must the system of ODE as a 4-dimensional system: \[ \begin{cases} \dot{r}= u \\ \displaystyle\dot{u} = r\omega^2 +g \sin\theta-{\mu b^2} \frac{g \cos\theta-2 u \omega}{3r^2+ b^2}\\ \dot{\theta}= \omega\\ \displaystyle \dot{\omega}= 3r \frac{g\cos\theta-2 u \omega}{3r^2+ b^2} \end{cases} \qquad (5) \] To find the time duration \(t=t_2\) of phase 2, we need to find the value of \(t\) for which \(N=0\). This is equivalent to finding the value of \(t\) for which \(\ddot{\theta}=0\) according to equation (4). We could implement a test to monitor the sign of \(\ddot{\theta}\) in the system of equations (5). This is clumsy. Instead, we define a separate function to compute \(\ddot{\theta}\) and build an interpolation of \(t\) vs \(\ddot{\theta}\) computed from arrays of \(t\) and \(\ddot{\theta}\) values. We use function interp1d from the scipy.interpolate module: given two arrays \(x\) and \(y\), it returns a function \(y= f(x)\) by using linear interpolation. The restriction is that \(x\) must be an array of monotonically increasing or decreasing values. This easily yields the value of \(t_2\) by seeking the value of the interpolating function at zero. We proceed the same way to find the value \((r_2, \dot{r}_2, \theta_2,\dot{\theta}_2)\) of \((r,\dot{r},\theta, \dot{\theta})\) at time \(t_2\). We then conclude by plotting \(\theta\) vs \(t\) for phase 2.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as pypl
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

# define the system of 1st-order ODEs in the variables (r,rdot,theta,thetadot)

def SlipPhase(y, t):
    [r, rdot, theta, thetadot] = y
    Ftheta= (-2*rdot*thetadot +g*np.cos(theta))/(3.0*r**2+b**2)
    G= r*thetadot**2 +g*np.sin(theta)
    return [rdot, G-mu*b**2*Ftheta, thetadot, 3*r*Ftheta]

tmax=0.15  # [s]: max time of integration.
           # This may need to be adjusted
           # choose tmax sufficiently large so that theta_ddot changes sign
n=2000     # number of integration points

t = np.linspace(0, tmax, n)
values = odeint(SlipPhase, [d, 0, theta1, omega1], t)

thetadot= values[:,3]

# to find the duration t= t2 of phase2 we need to find the value
# of t for which N=0. This is equivalent to finding the 
# value of t for which theta_ddot=0

# first we create a function which return theta_ddot

def ThetaDDot(R,Rdot,Theta,ThetaDot):
    return (-2*Rdot*ThetaDot +g*np.cos(Theta))/(3.0*R**2+ b**2)

# we create array thetaddot from the arrays r,rdot,theta,thetadot

thetaddot= ThetaDDot(r,rdot,theta,thetadot)

# we interpolate t vs thetaddot

TvsThetaddot = interp1d(thetaddot,t) # interpolation of Y=time vs X=theta_ddot
                                     # this create a function t= t(theta_ddot)
# we find t2= time2 and theta2=theta(t2), omega2= theta_dot(t2)
#         r2= r(t2) and rdot2= r_dot(t2)

time2=TvsThetaddot(0) # time t2 is found by setting theta_ddot=0
TvsTheta = interp1d(t,theta) # interpolation of X=time vs Y=theta
TvsThetaDot = interp1d(t,thetadot) # interpolation of X=time vs Y=theta_dot
TvsR = interp1d(t,r) # interpolation of X=time vs Y=r
TvsRdot = interp1d(t,rdot) # interpolation of X=time vs Y=rdot
theta2= TvsTheta(time2)
omega2= TvsThetaDot(time2)

print ("time2 = ",time2," s ")
print ("theta2 = ",180*theta2/np.pi," degrees")
print ("omega2 = ",omega2," rad/s")

Theta2 = np.linspace(theta1, theta2, 100)
Time2= np.linspace(0, time2, 100)

for i in range(0, 100):
    Theta2[i] =  180*TvsTheta(Time2[i])/np.pi

pypl.plot(Time2,Theta2)  # plot theta vs time

Phase 3: Free Fall

To compute the motion during phase 3, we use the standard parabolic motion of mass center \(G\) and the fact that \(\ddot{\theta}=0\): this yields the following system of equations \[ \begin{cases} x_G = (\dot{r}_2 \cos\theta_2 -r_2 \omega_2 \sin\theta_2) t + r_2 \cos\theta_2 \\ \displaystyle y_G = g \frac{t^2}{2} + (\dot{r}_2 \sin\theta_2 +r_2 \omega_2 \cos\theta_2) t + r_2 \sin\theta_2 \\ \theta= \theta_2 +\omega_2 t \end{cases} \qquad(6-8) \] The toast hits the floor when one of its two edges reaches the level \(y=h\) of the floor: the corresponding time \(t=t_3\) is found by solving the equation \[ \max\Big(g \frac{t^2}{2}+ (\dot{r}_2 \sin\theta_2 +r_2 \omega_2 \cos\theta_2) t + r_2 \sin\theta_2 \pm b \sin(\omega_2 t+\theta_2) \Big) = h\qquad (9) \] Since this is a nonlinear equation, we use the nonlinear solver brentq of the module scipy.optimize. This requires to define a function according to equation (9). Once \(t_3\) is found, we can find angle \(\theta_3 =\theta(t_3)=\theta_2 +\omega_2 t_3\). If angle \(\theta_3\) satisfies the condition \({ \pi/2} < \theta_3 < {3\pi}/{2}\), the toast will hit the floor with the butter side down. The final step is to plot \(\theta\) vs \(t\) according to equation (8).

############### PHASE 3 ##################################
###  to study phase 3, we use the parabolic motion of mass
###  center G and the linear evolution of angle theta= omega2*t+theta2.
from scipy import optimize

# define position of G at t=t2

xGinit= r2*np.cos(theta2)
yGinit= r2*np.sin(theta2)
vGx= rdot2*np.cos(theta2) - r2*omega2*np.sin(theta2)
vGy= rdot2*np.sin(theta2) + r2*omega2*np.cos(theta2)

# define the path of G

def xG(T):
    return vGx*T+xGinit
def yG(T):
    return 0.5*g*T**2 + vGy*T + yGinit

# define the orientation of toast

def theta_free(T):
    return theta2 + omega2*T

# find the time of impact: first define vertical coordinate
# of edges
def Target(T):
    yTip1= yG(T)+ b*np.sin(theta_free(T))
    yTip2= yG(T)- b*np.sin(theta_free(T))
    return max(yTip1,yTip2) -h

# solve for t=time3 by solving for the root of function Target

time3 = optimize.brentq(Target,0.001,1.5)
theta3= theta_free(time3)
print ("time3 = ",time3," sec")
print ("theta3 = ",180*theta3/np.pi,"degrees")

# decide whether landing is on butter side up or down

if(theta3 < 0.5*np.pi) or (theta3 > 1.5*np.pi):
    print ("Landing: butter side up")
if(theta3 > 0.5*np.pi) and (theta3 < 1.5*np.pi):
    print ("Landing: butter side down")

# define time and theta arrays for phase 3

Theta3 = np.linspace(theta2, theta3, 100)
Time3 = np.linspace(0, time3, 100)

for i in range(0, 100):
    Theta3[i] =  180*theta_free(Time3[i])/np.pi
    Time3[i]= time1+ time2 + Time3[i]
pypl.plot(Time3,Theta3) # plot theta vs time

# plot boundary points between 3 phases

t_list = [0,time1,time2+time1,time1+time2+time3]
theta_list = [0,180*theta1/np.pi,180*theta2/np.pi,180*theta3/np.pi]
pypl.scatter(t_list, theta_list, s=10)
pypl.title('mu = 1.0')


Study 1: We use the numerical values \(b =4\) cm, \(d=4\) mm, $h =0.75 $ m and \(\mu =1\). Here is the numerical output of the code:

theta1 =  42.5  degrees
omega1 =  9.83  rad/s
time1 =  0.145  sec  error=  3.623451538814493e-11

time2 =  0.041  s 
theta2 =  67.5  degrees
omega2 =  11.23  rad/s

time3 =  0.362  sec
theta3 =  300.8 degrees

Landing: butter side up

We conclude that the toast lands butter-side up. The evolution of angle \(\theta\) is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1
Figure 1

Study 2: We fix the parameters to the values \(b =4\) cm, \(d=4\) mm and \(h =0.75\) m, and we vary parameter \(\mu\) to find the range for which the toast lands butter-side down. We find the threshold to be reached at about \(\mu \approx 0.44\), that is, if \[ \mu_{min}\approx 0 \leq \mu \leq \mu_{max}\approx 0.44, \qquad \text{the toast lands butter-side down} \] \[ \mu > \mu_{max}\approx 0.44, \qquad \text{the toast lands butter-side up} \] Here are a few notable features:

  • The transition from “butter-side-down” to “butter-side-down” takes place when \(\theta_3 = 270^o\) is reached.

  • As \(\mu\) is increased, the duration of the rotational phase increases while the slip phase vanishes.

  • Conversely, as \(\mu \to 0\), the duration of the rotational phase vanishes while the duration of the slip phase increases.

  • The free fall phase remains sensibly constant in duration.

The dynamics of the toast is shown in Figure 2 for a few values of \(\mu\).

Figure 2
Figure 2

The full script is available here.