This course presents the fundamental principles of orbital mechanics and space flight dynamics with emphasis on applications. Includes analysis of the 2-body and restricted 3-body problems and orbital transfer using impulsive forces. Also includes designing Earth-orbiting satellites, Earth-Moon and interplanetary probe trajectories for given specifications.
History of orbital mechanics.
The n-body gravitation problem. The special case of two-body problem. Orbital geometric description. Geometric invariants. Constants of motion. Sphere of influence.
Time-variation of position and velocity along elliptic or hyperbolic orbits. Orbital elements from measurements.
Basic orbital maneuvers. Orbit transfer and Lambert’s problem. Impulsive orbital maneuvers. Interplanetary Hohmann transfers. Geosynchronous and geostationary orbits. Molniya orbits.
Linear orbit theory. Simplified method to predict the orbital maneuver parameters. Perturbation effects due to Earth oblateness, atmospheric drag, solar wind, etc.
Rocket dynamics and the staging problem.
Earth-Moon trajectories.
Interplanetary Mission Planning. Gravity assist.
Optional: Orbital Mechanics, 2nd edition, by Prussing & Conway.
Optional: Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students, 4th edition, by Curtis
Universe Sandbox
Kerbal Space Program 2
SkySafari 7: displays stars, star clusters, galaxies, Solar System’s major planets and moons, and asteroids, comets, and satellites.
Final paper in a form of either a literature review, or a report based on a seminal journal article, or a simulation study using the resources described above, etc.