(solution included)
Consider a system \(\Sigma\) which consists of a flywheel 2 mounted on a shaft 1 in motion relative to a referential 0 assumed Newtonian. Body 2 is a heavy axisymmetric body of axis \((G,\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1)\) of mass \(m\), mass center \(G\), and axial moment of inertia \(C\). The pivot connection between 1 and 2 is assumed ideal. Body 1 is assumed of negligible mass. Its endpoint \(A\) is connected by a thin, massless, inextensible cable (of length \(l\)) to a fixed point \(O\) of 0. Upon giving the flywheel a large initial spin with its axis at a constant angle \(\beta\) with the horizontal, the system is observed to rotate (precess) about the vertical axis \((O,\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0)\) while the cable reaches the constant angle \(\alpha\) with respect to the vertical. See the Figure shown below.
We denote by \(\boldsymbol{\omega}_{1/0} = \dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0\) and \(\boldsymbol{\omega}_{2/1}= \dot{\phi}\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1\). The position of \(G\) is defined by \(\boldsymbol{r}_{AG}= e \boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1\). Owing to the large value of angular speed \(\dot{\phi}\), the angular momentum \(\boldsymbol{H}_G\) of the flywheel is approximated as \(C\dot{\phi}\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1\) in accordance with the gyroscopic approximation.
Question 1. Find the expressions of the kinematic screws \(\{{\cal V}_{1/0}\}\) and \(\{{\cal V}_{2/0}\}\) of bodies 1 and 2.
Question 2. Find the kinetic screw \(\{{\cal H}_{2/0}\}\) of body 2. Then find the dynamic screw \(\{{\cal D}_{2/0}\}\).
Question 3. Justify that angular speed \(\dot{\phi}\) and angle \(\beta\) remain constant during the motion .
Question 4. Apply the FTD to find the quantities \((\alpha, T, \dot{\psi})\) where \(T\) is the tension in the cable. In particular show that the equilibrium angle \(\alpha\) is given by the equation \[ \tan\alpha= g \Big( \frac{m e \cos (\beta-\alpha)}{C \dot{\phi}\cos\alpha\cos\beta} \Big)^2 ( e \cos\beta + l \sin\alpha) \] Examine the possibility of \(\alpha= \beta=0\).
Question 5. In reality, the pivot connecting 1 and 2 is not frictionless: a component \(\boldsymbol{M}_{O, 1\to 2}^c \cdot\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1 = -\mu \dot{\phi}\) (\(\mu\) is a constant) must be taken into account. A motor \({\cal M}_{12}\) of couple \({\cal C}\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1\) mounted between 1 and 2 is now used. In a transient regime, the angles \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) and the angular velocity \(\dot{\phi}\) are no longer constant. Find the kinetic energy of the flywheel 2 (neglect the effect of its transverse moment of inertia). Then apply the TKE to the system to find the necessary value of couple \({\cal C}\).
Question 1. Motion 1/0: we need \(\boldsymbol{v}_{A/0} = \frac{d}{dt} (l sin\alpha\boldsymbol{\hat{u}})\) and \(\boldsymbol{\omega}_{1/0}=\dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0\).
Motion 2/1: we can use \(\boldsymbol{v}_{A/2}= \boldsymbol{0}\). \[ \{ {\cal V}_{1/0} \} = \begin{Bmatrix} \dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0 \\ l \dot{\psi}\sin\alpha\boldsymbol{\hat{v}} \end{Bmatrix}_A \qquad \{ {\cal V}_{2/1} \} = \begin{Bmatrix} \dot{\phi}\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1 \\ \boldsymbol{0} \end{Bmatrix}_A \qquad \{ {\cal V}_{2/0} \} = \begin{Bmatrix} \dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0+ \dot{\phi}\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1 \\ \dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0 \end{Bmatrix}_A = \begin{Bmatrix} \dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0 + \dot{\phi}\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1 \\ (l \sin\alpha+ e \cos\beta ) \dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{v}} \end{Bmatrix}_G \]
Question 2. Here we use the gyroscopic approximation: we approximate angular momentum \(\boldsymbol{H}_G\) of body 2 as \(C\dot{\phi}\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1\) and assume \(\dot{\phi}= Cst\): \[ \{{\cal H}_{2/0}\} = \begin{Bmatrix} m (l \sin\alpha+ e \cos\beta ) \dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{v}} \\ C \dot{\phi}\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1 \end{Bmatrix}_G \qquad \{{\cal D}_{2/0}\} = \begin{Bmatrix} -m (l \sin\alpha+ e \cos\beta ) \dot{\psi}^2 \boldsymbol{\hat{u}} \\ C \dot{\phi}\dot{\psi}\cos\beta \boldsymbol{\hat{v}} \end{Bmatrix}_G \] where we used \(\frac{d}{dt}\boldsymbol{\hat{u}}= \dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{v}}\) and \(\frac{d}{dt}\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1 = \dot{\psi}\cos\beta \boldsymbol{\hat{v}}\).
Question 3. In the absence of axial moment on body 2, \(\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1 \cdot\boldsymbol{M}_{G, \bar{2}\to 2} = 0\), we obtain \(\ddot{\phi}= 0\): \(\dot{\phi}\) remains constant. Gyroscopic stiffness follows from a very large value of \(\dot{\phi}\): the value of angle \(\alpha\) set at \(t=0\) (which gives the orientation of the gyroscope’s axis in the plane \((O,\boldsymbol{\hat{u}},\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0)\)) remains sensibly constant. However the axis \((G,\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1)\) will precess about vertical axis (at precessional angular speed \(\dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0\)) as a reaction to the action of the cable. The angle \(\beta\) taken by the cable most likely adjusts its value in response to the gyroscope’s motion (we still treat it as a constant angle).
Question 4. The total external action screw on system \(\Sigma\) is due to the cable and gravity \[ \{{\cal A}_{\bar{\Sigma}\to \Sigma} \} = \begin{Bmatrix} - m g\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0 \\ 0 \end{Bmatrix}_G + \begin{Bmatrix} T (\cos\alpha\boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0 -\sin\alpha\boldsymbol{\hat{u}}) \\ 0 \end{Bmatrix}_A = \begin{Bmatrix} (T\cos\alpha- m g) \boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0 - T \sin\alpha\boldsymbol{\hat{u}} \\ e T \cos(\beta-\alpha) \boldsymbol{\hat{v}} \end{Bmatrix}_G \] Application of the FTD to system \(\Sigma\) \[ \{{\cal A}_{\bar{\Sigma}\to \Sigma} \}= \{{\cal D}_{2/0}\} \] yields 3 equations \[ T \cos\alpha= mg, \qquad T \sin\alpha= m (l \sin\alpha+ e \cos\beta ) \dot{\psi}^2 \qquad \text{(1-2)} \] \[ C \dot{\phi}\dot{\psi}\cos\beta = e T \cos(\beta-\alpha) \qquad \text{(3)} \] These equations solve for \((\beta, T, \dot{\psi})\) as a function of \(\dot{\phi}\) and the parameters \((m, C, e, l, \alpha)\). With \(T= mg/\cos\alpha\), we find the precession rate and a relationship between angles \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\): \[ \boxed{\dot{\psi}= \frac{m g e \cos (\beta-\alpha)}{C \dot{\phi}\cos\alpha\cos\beta}}, \quad \boxed{ \tan\alpha= g \Big( \frac{m e \cos (\beta-\alpha)}{C \dot{\phi}\cos\alpha\cos\beta} \Big)^2 ( e \cos\beta + l \sin\alpha)} \quad \text{(4-5)} \] As expected \(\dot{\psi}\) is inversely proportional to \(C\dot{\phi}\). The second relationship shows that the two angles \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\) cannot be preset independently. In practice, it is quite likely that they both adjust to steady values to match equation (5). See the final note.
If we set \(\alpha=\beta=0\), we find \(\dot{\psi}=0\) from (2) and \(\dot{\psi}\neq 0\) from (3): No solution is possible.
Question 5. Here we need to find the velocity of \(G\) to account for the variation of \(\alpha\) and \(\beta\): \[\begin{align*} \boldsymbol{v}_{G/0} & = \frac{d}{dt} \left\{ (l \sin\alpha+ e \cos\beta) \boldsymbol{\hat{u}}+ (-l \cos\alpha+ e \sin\beta) \boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0\right\} \\ & = (l \dot{\alpha}\cos\alpha- e \dot{\beta}\sin\beta) \boldsymbol{\hat{u}}+ (l \sin\alpha+ e \cos\beta) \dot{\psi}\boldsymbol{\hat{v}} + (l \dot{\alpha}\sin\alpha+ e \dot{\beta}\cos\beta) \boldsymbol{\hat{z}}_0 \end{align*}\] This gives the KE of body 2: \[ 2\mathbb{K}_{2/0} = m (l^2 \dot{\alpha}^2 + e^2 \dot{\beta}^2 + 2 el \dot{\alpha}\dot{\beta}\sin(\alpha-\beta) ) + m (l \sin\alpha+ e \cos\beta)^2 \dot{\psi}^2 + C \dot{\phi}^2 \] The gravitational potential energy is given by \[ \mathbb{U}^g = m g (-l \cos\alpha+e \sin\beta) \] The internal power is given by \[ \mathbb{P}_{1\leftrightarrow 2} = \{{\cal V}_{2/1}\} \cdot \{{\cal A}_{1\to 2}\} = \begin{Bmatrix} \dot{\phi}\boldsymbol{\hat{x}}_1 \\ \boldsymbol{0} \end{Bmatrix}_G \cdot \{{\cal A}_{1\to 2}\} = -\mu \dot{\phi}^2 + {\cal C}\dot{\phi} \] The external power is given by \[ \mathbb{P}_{cable \to 1/0} = \{{\cal V}_{0/1}\} \cdot \{{\cal A}_{cable\to 1}\} = \boldsymbol{v}_{A/0} \cdot \boldsymbol{T} =0 \] since \(\boldsymbol{v}_{A/0} = l d\boldsymbol{\tau}/dt\) and \(\boldsymbol{T}= -T \boldsymbol{\tau}\) (where \(\boldsymbol{\tau}\) is the unit vector along line \(OA\)). Finally the TKE applied to system \(\Sigma\) gives: \[ \boxed{ \frac{d}{dt} (\mathbb{K}_{2/0}+ \mathbb{U}^g ) = -\mu \dot{\phi}^2 + {\cal C}\dot{\phi} } \]
Final Note: you should watch this video for a demonstration of this system.
1. Rodrigues formula. The mapping of (arbitrary) vector \(\boldsymbol{V}\) by rotation \({\cal R}_{\alpha, \boldsymbol{\hat{u}}}\) of angle \(\alpha\) about unit vector \(\boldsymbol{\hat{u}}\) can be obtained as \[ {\cal R}_{\alpha, \boldsymbol{\hat{u}}} (\boldsymbol{V}) = \boldsymbol{V}+ \sin\alpha \boldsymbol{\hat{u}}\times\boldsymbol{V}+ (1- \cos\alpha) \boldsymbol{\hat{u}}\times(\boldsymbol{\hat{u}}\times\boldsymbol{V}) \]
2. Time-Derivative Formula. Given two rigid bodies (or referentials) \({\cal E}\) and \({\cal F}\), and an arbitrary vector function \(\boldsymbol{U}(t)\), \[ \Big(\frac{d\boldsymbol{U}}{dt} \Big)_{\cal E}=\Big(\frac{d\boldsymbol{U}}{dt} \Big)_{\cal F}+ \boldsymbol{\omega}_{{\cal F}/ {\cal E}}\times \boldsymbol{U} \]
3. Triple product formula: \[ \boldsymbol{A}\times (\boldsymbol{B}\times \boldsymbol{C})= (\boldsymbol{A}\cdot \boldsymbol{C}) \boldsymbol{B}- (\boldsymbol{A}\cdot \boldsymbol{B}) \boldsymbol{C} \]
4. Rigid Body Kinematics: Given two rigid bodies (or referentials) \({\cal E}\) and \({\cal F}\), for any two points \(P\) and \(Q\), and at any given time, \[ \boldsymbol{v}_{Q \in {\cal F}/{\cal E}}= \boldsymbol{v}_{P \in {\cal F}/{\cal E}}+ \boldsymbol{\omega}_{{\cal F}/ {\cal E}}\times \boldsymbol{r}_{PQ} \] \[ \boldsymbol{a}_{Q \in {\cal F}/{\cal E}}= \boldsymbol{a}_{P \in {\cal F}/{\cal E}}+ \boldsymbol{\alpha}_{{\cal F}/ {\cal E}}\times \boldsymbol{r}_{PQ} + \boldsymbol{\omega}_{{\cal F}/ {\cal E}}\times (\boldsymbol{\omega}_{{\cal F}/ {\cal E}}\times \boldsymbol{r}_{PQ}) \]
5. Change of Referential Formulas. Given two rigid bodies (or referentials) \({\cal E}\) and \({\cal F}\), for any particle \(P\), and at any given time, \[ \boldsymbol{v}_{P/{\cal E}} = \boldsymbol{v}_{P/{\cal F}} + \boldsymbol{v}_{P\in {\cal F}/ {\cal E}} \] \[ \boldsymbol{a}_{P/{\cal E}} = \boldsymbol{a}_{P/{\cal F}} + \boldsymbol{a}_{P\in {\cal F}/ {\cal E}} + 2 \boldsymbol{\omega}_{{\cal F}/{\cal E}} \times \boldsymbol{v}_{P/{\cal F}} \] 6. Loop formulas: Given 3 rigid bodies \({\cal A}\), \({\cal B}\), \({\cal C}\), and an arbitrary point \(P\), \[ \boldsymbol{\omega}_{{\cal A}/{\cal B}}+ \boldsymbol{\omega}_{{\cal B}/{\cal C}}+ \boldsymbol{\omega}_{{\cal C}/{\cal A}} = \boldsymbol{0} \] \[ \boldsymbol{v}_{P\in {\cal A}/ {\cal B}}+ \boldsymbol{v}_{P\in {\cal B}/ {\cal C}}+ \boldsymbol{v}_{P\in {\cal C}/ {\cal A}}=\boldsymbol{0} \]
7. Angular Momentum: The angular momentum of a material system \(\Sigma\) of constant mass \(m\) and mass center \(G\) satisfies \[ \boldsymbol{H}_{A}= \boldsymbol{H}_B + \boldsymbol{r}_{AB} \times m\boldsymbol{v}_G \] for any two points \(A\) and \(B\). The angular momentum of a rigid body \({\cal B}\) of mass \(m\) and mass center \(G\) can be found according to \[ \boldsymbol{H}_{B} = {\cal I}_B (\boldsymbol{\omega}) + \boldsymbol{r}_{BG} \times m\boldsymbol{v}_{B\in {\cal B}} \] where \({\cal I}_B\) is the inertia operator of \({\cal B}\) about point \(B\).
8. The Dynamic Moment of a system \(\Sigma\) of mass \(m\) and mass center \(G\) satisfies \[ \boldsymbol{D}_{A} = \boldsymbol{D}_B + \boldsymbol{r}_{AB} \times m\boldsymbol{a}_G \] for any two points \(A\) and \(B\). The dynamic moment \(\boldsymbol{D}_A\) of a system \(\Sigma\) can be found from its angular momentum \(\boldsymbol{H}_A\) according to \[ \boldsymbol{D}_A =\frac{d \boldsymbol{H}_A}{dt} + \boldsymbol{v}_A \times m \boldsymbol{v}_G \]