MEEG636 Fluid Mechanics Measurements
Fall 2004
Colburn 109; TR 11 to 12:15
Dr. Ajay K. Prasad
228 Spencer Lab
Office Hours: MW 10-11
No text required. However, the following
references are recommended.
- Fluid Mechanics Measurements, by R.J. Goldstein
- Boundary-Layer Theory, by H. Schlichting
- A First Course in Turbulence, by Tennekes & Lumley
- Random Data: Analysis and Measurement Procedures, by Bendat & Piersol
The course will consist of classroom lectures, and laboratory
sessions. Demonstration sessions of the equipment and procedures will
be held during class hours. Students will also perform approximately
4 experiments to gain familiarity with the techniques that will be
discussed in the class-room.
Students will write a term paper pertaining to a new fluid
measurement technique, a new design of an existing technique, or
explore in depth a particular feature of an existing technique. The
term paper will be rigorous in the treatment of the topic, with a
literature review, previous history, new innovations, and must include
if possible, an analytical treatment. Students are encouraged to
select a topic early in the semester and consult the instructor for
appropriateness. Students will do a Powerpoint presentation of their
paper towards the end of the semester.
- Lab exercises 50 %
- Term-paper 20 %
- Final 30 %