Senior Design Projects for 1987-1988 (Note: project numbers not sequential)
88.1 - Home Leaf CompactorJ.Burmeister, D.Brooks, K.Kramedas, D.Henry
UD Mechanical Engineering
- 88.3 - Liquid Cooled Intercooler for Turbo Charged Race Cars
J.Wack, M.Spinka, J.Roth, R.Boylan
Alderman Racing Team
- 88.4 - Kinetic Powered Air Conditioner for Race Cars
R.Scarborough, R.McDowell, S.Timmins
Alderman Racing Team
- 88.5 - Lightweight, Racing Wheelchair
E.Hall, D.Villaneuva, H.Zwick
- 88.8 - Composite Disk Bicycle Wheel
T.Huynh-Ba, F.Leonhartt, D.Lyon, M.Qaissaunee
- 88.9 - Insect Olfactometer
M.Gattuso, J.Brubaker, S.McDermott
UD Entomology and Applied Ecology
- 88.10 - Walking Machine
S.Black, N.Haideri, D.Holly, J.McDonald, P.Priebe
UD Mechanical Engineering
- 88.11 - Handicapped Access System for a School Bus
C.Eberle, A.Pietrofitta, J.Wardrop, B.Zeller
UD Public Safety
- 88.14 - Automated Medium Preparation Station
M.Hugh, D.Mainwaring, T.Parker, R.Taylor
UD Plant Science
- 88.16 - High Vacuum Chamber
J.Brennan, K.Grier, G.Jefferson, J.Kegelman
UD Chemistry and Biochemistry
- 88.18 - Molecular Concentration Measuring Device
J.Arnold, D.Clayton, D.Gilardi
UD Chemistry and Biochemistry
- 88.26 - Awakening Device for Hearing Impaired
P.Murch, M.Townsend, M.Watson
A.I. Dupont Institute
- 88.27 - Package Inspection
K.Constable, P.Givens, D.Tisdel, T.Ward
Hercules Co.
- 88.29 - Robotic End Effector
J.Brown, M.Cuff, N.Fang, M.Piazza
Dupont Co. - EDL
- 88.35 - Wave Generator
D.Casey, R.Goco, P.McQuiston, V.Yokimcus
UD Civil Engineering
- 88.36 - Head for Nine Cylinder Radial Engine
G.Brewer, G.Kish
UD Mechanical Engineering
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