MEEG401 Senior Design Projects for Fall 2018
[Mechanical Engineering students, unless otherwise noted]
(Biomedical Engineering students in BMEG450;
Civil, Electrical, Environmental Engineering students in MEEG467)
Advanced Materials Technology: Development of mechanized labeling device
Dorazio, Andrew;
Messina, Elizabeth;
Strongin, Haley;
Tianyi, Weng.
Agilent: Collaborative robot feed mechanism
Driscoll, John;
Gunaydin, Coskun;
McQuiston, Drew;
Stransky, Peter.
Air Liquide: H2-enriched IC engines for lower emission
Fresconi, Nicholas;
Kathreptis, Anthony [Environmental Engineering];
McCabe, Sean;
Medhaug, Jennifer [Environmental Engineering];
Meyer Keith.
Avkin: Wearable arterial line simulator for nursing education
Farley, Samantha;
Gerard, Rebecca;
O'Sullivan, Rachel [Biomedical Engineering];
Smith, Madeline [Biomedical Engineering].
Avkin: Wearable birthing simulator for nursing education II - the cervix
Ali, Latifa;
Cushing, Bryce;
DeGeorge, Victor [Biomedical Engineeering];
Poff, Madison [Biomedical Engineeering];
Purcell, Caitlin [Biomedical Engineeering].
Fortive - Anderson-Negele: End of line inspection system
Flamini, Talia;
Gambogi, Julia;
Naphier, John;
Tansley, Rich.
Fortive - Gems Sensors: Development of high-flow, direct-acting, media-isolated, 3-way liquid solenoid valve
Bassett, David;
Bounds, John;
Matt, Michael;
Wise, Ethan.
Fortive - Specialty Product Technologies: Value analysis and enhancing capabilities of CX200 cycle flex timer/counter
Coleman, Taylor;
Dorazio, Anthony;
Gertsen, Cade;
Schauber, Francis.
Hologic: Streamlined assembly of HV wire in X-ray detectors
Akhtar, Hassan;
Aldobiyan, Abdulrahman;
Hill, Kevin;
Sloan, Connor.
ILCDover: Spacesuit glove test box
Cardno, Kyle;
Green, Jesse;
McIntyre, Rachael;
Rutten, Andrew;
Velazquez, Christopher.
Johnson and Johnson Consumer
Chukwunenye, Kelechi;
Freedman, Janie;
Shen, Luchen;
Zswain, Zachary.
Merck: Smart tracking of biological manufacturing materials
Jiang, Sida;
Silverman, Benjamin;
Tucker, Blake;
Verner, Meredith.
Merck: Industrial washer liquid process pump
Blackwell, Chris;
DeGroat, Nicholas;
Korde, Archit;
Maloney, Kevin.
Norwalt Design: Automated louver punch into sheet metal
Criswell, Michael;
Fattibene, Matthew;
Filzen, Nicholas;
Mullin, Matthew;
Ning, Xiaochen.
Qfix: Automated charging/filling system for VacQfix cushions
Francis, Christopher;
Paglione, Emily [Biomedical Engineering];
Thompson, Seanice;
Yang, Zhiyuan.
Qfix: Automated integrated shim assembly (AISA)
Bennett, Owen;
Kobylarz, Andrew [Biomedical Engineering];
Melamed, Lee;
Miller, Rachel.
Sawbones: Silicone flash trimming
Dietz, Jonathan;
Nathan, Deepa;
Shultis, Brian;
Skinner, Ryan [Biomedical Engineering].
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics: Tube flanging device
Drake, Harper;
Galanek, Mary;
Hughes, John;
Tentindo, Jessica.
Southco: Low-cost adjustable counterbalance mechanism for inclusion in a display arm mount
Deel, Shawn;
Palmer, Michael;
Queale, Elliot;
Slivka, Ben.
Gill Corporation: Delamination test machine
Lyons, John;
Mitrano, Joya;
Trackenberg, Ryan;
Wang, Feiyang.
UD - College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment: Gen-2 autonomous beach rover
Cowger, Courtney;
El-Azom, Zachary;
Gloria, Eriq [Environmental Engineering];
Jin, LianCheng [Environmental Engineering];
Otto, Grant;
Stinger, William;
Whitenight, Aaron [Environmental Engineering].
UD - Department of Plant and Soil Sciences: Design and construction of a mini-rhizobox 2D clinostat for the analysis of simulated microgravity on mature plants
Becker, Michaella [Environmental Engineering];
Dennin, Rachel;
Moreau, Peter;
Richmond-Boudewyns, Emma [Environmental Engineering];
Tiamson, Don Paolo.
UD - Department of Plant and Soil Sciences: Large set small batch seed counter for plant breeding programs
Browne, Jessica [Environmental Engineering];
Hira, Tanisha;
Katinas, Rebecca [Environmental Engineering];
Scott, Hannaleigh;
Seningen, Deanna.
W.L. Gore - Medical Products: Air amplifier air flow optimization
Karpinski, Connor;
Lyness, Tyler;
Martel, Chris;
Weishaar, Prescott.
W.L. Gore: Flexible hybrid electronics evaluation - development of a test method and fixture
Bohn, Brock;
Dhingra, Raman;
Dombrowski, Ryan;
Frost, Soren;
Windle, Nathan.
West Pharmaceutical: Optimizing performance window of a gas-powered drug delivery system
Davis, Erica;
Kook, Caroline;
Mella, Robert;
Powell, Olivia;
Zhang, Tiange.
UD - Information Decision: UD scaled smart city connected autonomous vehicle design improvements
D'Souza, Dean;
Li, Kunzheng;
Lloyd, Haley;
Loewenguth, Sophia;
Michael, Lashner;
Patterson, Thomas;
Reilly, Andrew [Electrical Engineering];
Silverman, Rachel;
Teitelbaum, Jacob [Civil Engineering];
Wan, Yiming.
Xergy: Xergy oxygen-enriched positive airway pressure system
Johnson, Patrick;
Moore, Corey;
Wang, Zequn;
Xia, Wu.
Phase Sensitive Innovations (PSI): Research and development of next-generation RF photonic packaging
Dorward, Jasper;
Mulcahy, Justin;
Pasquale, Christopher.
UD - Associate VP for Research: Drone delivery system
Jacobs, Garret;
Liu, Xiaokang [Electrical Engineering];
Tse, Stanley;
Vaselli, Gustavo;
Vaudo, Matthew;
Ju, Jaiwei.
Air Liquide - Healthcare: Automated resuscitation bag
Considine, Michael;
Hulbert, Brianna [Biomedical Engineering];
Leibowitz, Matthew [Biomedical Engineering];
Pierce, Ian [Biomedical Engineering];
Stank, Aimee [Biomedical Engineering].
Independence Prosthetics and Orthotics: Modular socket component for tracking and maintaining prosthetic alignment
Farkas, Amanda;
Peterson, Jessica;
Stuchlik, Mitch;
Ulvila, Jaclyn.
Globus: Periprosthetic cable tensioning devices
Athanasopoulos, Mary [Biomedical Engineering];
Colotti, Brian;
Dudzinski, Ellen [Biomedical Engineering];
Ensslin, Dylan [Biomedical Engineering];
Kempski, Kelley [Biomedical Engineering].
UD - Athletics: Personalized high ankle bracing for injured athletes
Bink, Kiki;
Curtin, Riley [Biomedical Engineering];
Reynolds, Andrew [Biomedical Engineering];
Swamy, Rachel [Biomedical Engineering]
UD - Kinesiology and Applied Physiology: Orthosis stiffness testing device, v2.0
Goldstein, Zachary;
Grasso, Caitlin [Biomedical Engineering];
Ni, Yuxin [Biomedical Engineering];
Poindexter, Christian [Biomedical Engineering];
Siddiqui, Osman.
The Move to Learn Innovation Lab: Playskin Air: development and testing of the first pneumatic, user-controlled exoskeletal garment
Denner, Kayleigh [Biomedical Engineering];
Duda, Raymond [Biomedical Engineering];
Mascitelli, Thomas;
Raccuglia, Michael [Biomedical Engineering].
UD - Physical Therapy: Development of an instrumented shoe insole
Dela Paz, Abigail [Biomedical Engineering];
Haffey, Jackie [Biomedical Engineering];
Tima, Sama;
Vernon, Sean [Electrical Engineering].
UD - Aero ASAE Competition: Controls
Kacmarcik, Andrew [Electrical Engineering];
Ko, Sampras;
Pannone, Nick;
Reilly, Kristen;
Romeo, Matthew.
UD - Aero ASAE Competition: fuselage
Cass, Dylan;
DePersia, Jason;
Dontamsetti, Samhit;
Khawaja, Shehroz;
Moylett, Nicole;
Thompson, Emily.
UD - Aero ASAE Competition: wings
Icarangal, Lauren;
Calderon, Justice;
Delaney, Emily;
Fagan, Scott;
Vecellio, Nicholas.
NASA: Vibratory excavation test rig design [Note: as MEEG467]
Rezich, Erin.
MEEG402 FSAE Senior Design Projects for Fall 2018
Carrara, Bradford;
Fulmer, Eric;
Schmidt, Blake.
McCabe, William;
McDermitt, Colin;
Murray, Colleen.
Blackway, Jeffrey;
Borrero, Borrero;
Lindley, Andrew.
FSAE-Front Suspension
Duimstra, Matthew;
Hagelstein, Patrick;
Jones, Michael;
Zolper, Thomas.
FSAE-Rear Suspension
Clarke, Ryan;
Deely, Christopher;
Jacob, Weyer;
Saladis, Shane.
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