MEEG401 Senior Design Projects for Fall 2011
1 - Jet Engine Blocker Door
David Chun,
John D. Matthews,
David McNamara,
Eric Wurtzel
2 - Diesel Engine Exhaust Brake
Eric Brixen,
Kyle Chaires,
Carolyn Dippold,
Matthew Figueiredo
3 - Ballistic Conditioning Chamber
Zachary Anderegg,
Michael Marra-Powers,
Christopher Weidner
Chesapeake Testing
4 - Baler Net Wrapping System
Allan Arisi,
Kyle Doolin,
Jeffrey Hawk,
Ryan Klusty
CNH America
5 - Cosmetic Dropper Assembly System
Neil Donnelly,
Stephen Mulligan,
Mark Oteiza,
Jillian Silver
Comar Inc
6 - Continuous Compression Molding System
Danielle Abell,
Brien McCormick,
Alistair Tolosa,
Michael Yeager
7 - Aircraft Arresting block Drain System
Michael Falduto,
Antonio Fascelli,
Alex Levin,
Ross Megargel
8 - Bearing Liner Quality Improvement
Anthony Loccisano,
John R. Matthews,
Jason Silinger,
Andrew Whitehead
9 - Soft-Good Leak Tester
Charles Andersen,
Anthony Battaglia,
Thomas Ford,
Joseph Walsh
10 - Coin Acceptor Reliability Tester
Michael Cayne,
George Ferguson,
Brian Lifvergren,
Dylan Novak
MEI, Inc
11 - Flexible Container handling System
John DeLucca,
Scott Fritsch,
Daniel Marchegiano,
Jeffrey Ulchak
Omega Design
12 - Venturi Waste System Optimization
Brandon Baetz,
Philip Guerieri,
Travis Krell,
Theodoros Roustopoulos
Precision AirConvey
13 - Mantis Tiller Broom Attachment
Christopher Csoboth,
Scott Heller,
Brandon Pastor,
Tyler Rodgers
Schiller Grounds Care
14 - Resistance Temperature Detector Assembly
Brett Davis,
David Eisensmith,
Laura Quinn,
Stephen Schafer
Sensing Devices
15 - Friction and Wear Test System
James Kersch,
Milos Kukoleca,
David Ly,
Alexander Szela,
Andrew Varney
16 - Safety Eye/Face Wash System
Rhys Ainsworth,
Sean Laflam,
Morgan Pollard,
Christopher Reese
Speakman Safety Products
17 - Concentrating Solar Modul Cooling
Robert Amabile,
Theodore Eccleston,
Meaghan Kearney,
Thomas Missimer
Sun Edge
18 - Coating applicator System
Nicholas Bessman,
Thomas Dodge,
Joshua Martin,
Kevin Sadeghipour
Superior Tube
19 - Aircraft Inspection Equipment Vest
Daniel Buesking,
Thomas Perry,
Sean Rodammer,
Kevin Schiff
Survice Engineering
20 - Orthopaedic Screw Inspection Station
Chanel Aldrich,
Amy Bucha,
Peter Fenimore,
Andrew Loftus
21 - Notch Cutter Tester Re-Design
Abdullah Baaqeel,
John Berting,
Justin Koniuk,
Steven Simpers
Testing Machines
22 - Pharmaceutical Component Silicone Applicator
Brennan Blumenthal,
Timothy Kutchen,
Timothy McCaslin,
Nicole Sermabeikian
West Pharmaceutical
23 - Roll Core Removal System
Eric Ferguson,
Matthew Kelly,
Shawn Olsen,
Shaun Staley,
Glenn Stearns
W.L. Gore & Associates
MEEG467 FSAE Senior Design Projects for Fall 2011
24 - FSAE Chassis
Kevin Duong,
Chris Kohlhafer,
Andrew Lane,
Ryan Sekreta
25 - FSAE Ergonomics
James Kimsey,
Michael Lenau,
Lauren Ryan,
Brandon Zacharias
26 - FSAE Powertrain
Blake Bell,
Bill Henry,
James Losi,
Steve Wiley
27 - FSAE Suspension
Ben Gould,
Ryan Krajewski,
Eric Millman,
Dan Payne
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