Professor of Mechanical
Biomechanics &
Movement Science and Biomedical Engineering
Department of
Mechanical Engineering
University of
Newark, Delaware
Phone: (302) 831-2246
Fax: (302) 831-3619
Applied Mechanics
Composite Materials
Ph.D. Northwestern
University, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, June 1987
"Failure Mechanisms at the Bone-Prosthesis Interface"
M.S. Northwestern
University, Theoretical & Applied Mechanics, June 1984
"Analytical Models of Fluid Filled Soft Tissue at the Bone-Prosthesis
B.S. Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, Mechanical Engineering, June 1981
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
Affiliated Professor, Biomedical Engineering |
2010 - present |
Biomechanics and Movement Science |
1994 - present |
Director, Orthopedic and Biomechanical
Engineering Center |
1993 - 1998 |
Professor, (Asst., Assoc., Full) Mechanical
Engineering |
1986 - present |
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant Civil
Engineering |
1982 - 1985 |
Peking University, Beijing, China
Global Exchange Professor, Mechanical
Engineering |
July - Aug. 2012 |
Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Fulbright Distinguished Visiting Professor,
Mechanical Eng |
Feb - Apr. 2001 |
Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen, Maryland
Research Program Participant |
Aug 2000 - Jan 2001 |
University of Surrey, Guilford, Surrey, United
Visiting Professor, Mechanical Engineering |
Jan - May 1993 |
International Business Machines, Glendale, New
Preprofessional, New Product Research Group |
June - Sept 1981 |
General Motors, Detroit Diesel Division, Detroit,
Intern, Product Noise Group |
May - Aug 1980 |
Intern, Stress and Vibrations Group |
May - Aug 1979 |
Post-Doctoral and Visiting
Researchers |
Xu Wang |
October 2008 – September 2009 |
Yaliang Tang |
November 2004 - June
2008 (co-advisor: Karlsson) |
Priya Thamburaj |
September 2001 - August
2003 |
Gunay Anlas |
August 1998 - July 1999
(co-advisor: Lambros) |
Bryan A. Cheeseman |
May 1998 - September
1998 |
Makarand G. Joshi |
September 1996 - January
1999 (co-advisor: Advani) |
Biswadip Shome |
November 1995 - November
1996 (co-advisors: Wang, Prasad, Szeri) |
Richard S. Feltman |
November 1995 - August
1996 |
Doctoral Students |
Daniel Buesking |
June 2016 |
Guoliang Ding |
May 2015 (co-advisor:
Karlsson) |
Jun Qian |
May 2015 (co-advisor:
Karlsson) |
Sahane Dattatraya |
August 2013 |
Michael Minicinno |
June 2013 |
Narinder Singh Khattra |
June 2012 (co-advisor:
Karlsson) |
Zongwen Lu |
May 2012 (co-advisor:
Karlsson) |
Vasan C. Srinivasan Chandrasekaran |
December 2010 (co-advisor:
Advani) |
Ahmet Kusoglu |
June 2009 (co-advisor:
Karlsson) |
Dan Su |
August 2007 |
Bryan A. Cheeseman |
May 1998 |
Michael T. Qaissaunee |
1992-97 (degree not completed) |
Richard S. Feltman |
June 1996 |
James S. Burns |
December 1995
(co-advisors: Pipes, Prasad) |
Steven F. Shuler |
August 1995
(co-advisors: Advani, Pipes) |
Brendan J. O'Toole |
December 1992 |
Gunay Anlas |
August 1992 |
Edward M. Patton |
June 1991 |
E. Selçuk Ardiç |
August 1989 (co-advisor:
Chou) |
Master's Students |
Melissa Lugo |
December 2009 (co-advisor:
Karlsson) |
Allison R. Bruton |
August 2006 (co-advisor:
Advani) |
Brian B. Johnson |
August 2004 (co-advisor:
Novotny) |
Shawn P. Riley |
May 2001 (co-advisor: Advani) |
Hongwei Li |
January 1998 (co-advisor:
Lambros) |
Christoph A. Roth |
December 1996 (co-advisor:
Snyder-Mackler) |
Thomas G. Ribble |
August 1996 |
Francesco Rosselli |
August 1995 |
Bryan A. Cheeseman |
August 1994 |
Michael T. Qaissaunee |
December 1992 |
Maylene K. Hugh |
1988-90, (thesis not
completed) |
Brendan J. O'Toole |
May 1989 |
Robert E. Lotter |
December 1988 |
Bachelor's Thesis Students |
Sam Kurkoski |
May 2014 |
Alex Aten |
May 2011 (co-advisor:
Karlsson) |
Andrew Fassler |
May 2011 (co-advisor:
Karlsson) |
James Sargianis |
May 2010 (co-advisor:
Karlsson) |
Niki Frangakis |
May 2006 (co-advisor: Advani) |
Michelle Mattera |
December 1998
(co-advisor: Advani) |
Dierk Wagener |
November 1994
Diplom-Ingenieur, Ulm, Germany |
D. Cameron DeHeer |
June 1990
Distinction |
Undergraduate Research
Kevin Hill, Theodore
Eccleston, Tom Cender, Robert Moglia, Chad Agostinelli,
Douglas DeVoto, Joseph Natale, Courtney Herbein, Laura Elliot, Michael Gilbert, Michael
Sacra, Courtney Crosby, Ben Raab, Gregory Zarroli, Barbara Tuday, Hilary
Goldman, Silvestri Pinho, Helder Martins, Jennifer Buckley, Mark Schneeweis,
Shawn Riley, George Sapna, Jeffery Acheson, Nathaniel Smith, Tiffany Stith,
Joseph Salvia, Benjamin Osborne, Andreas Reinhardt, John Valteris, Wade
Trexler, Thomas Stapleford, Michael Nisar, Christoph Roth, Brian Powers, Bryan
Cheeseman, James DeCecchis, Eric Orndorff, Dennis Moak, Kevin Zawicki, Ursula
Statics |
Orthopedic Biomechanics |
Dynamics |
Intermediate Solid Mechanics |
Mechanics of Solids |
Theory of Elasticity |
Advanced Strength of Materials |
Theory of Plasticity |
Forensic Failure Analysis |
Advanced Continuum Mechanics Fracture Mechanics of Complex
Material Systems |
Elected to grade of Fellow in ASME |
2008 |
Chair Award, U. do Porto, Portugal |
2001 |
U.S. Army Summer Faculty
Research and Engineering Award |
2000 |
Listed in Who’s Who in
Science and Engineering |
1996 |
Visiting Professorship,
University of Surrey U.K. |
1993 |
Listed in American Men
& Women of Science |
1992 |
Induction into Sigma Xi |
1989 |
Listed in Outstanding
Young Men of America |
1987 |
Royal E. Cabell
Dissertation-Year Fellowship Northwestern U. |
1985-1986 |
Royal E. Cabell
First-Year Fellowship Northwestern U. |
1981-1982 |
B.S. Degree Awarded Summa
Cum Laude
Rensselaer |
1981 |
Induction into Tau Beta
Pi |
1980 |
General Motors Full
Tuition Scholarship/Internship |
1979-1981 |
Rensselaer Scholarship |
1978-1979 |
New York State Regents
Scholarship |
1977-1981 |
Department Graduate Program Director |
2007- |
Department Academic Program Report Committee |
2009-2010 |
Department Strategic Planning Committee Chair |
2008-2009 |
College of Engineering Strategic Planning Committee |
2008- |
Arnold Kerr Symposium
Co-Chair |
2003-2004 |
Department Graduate
Student Advisor |
2002-2005 |
Nowinski Symposium
Committee Chair |
1998-1999 |
Biomechanics &
Movement Science Executive Committee |
1994-2000 |
Department Graduate
Program Director |
1993-1997 |
Director of Orthopedic
and Biomechanical Engineering Center |
1993-1998 |
College of Engineering
Dean's Advisory Council |
1993-1998 |
Center for Composite Materials
Fall Symposium Chair |
1993 |
Department Graduate
Recruitment Committee Chair |
1992-1993 |
College Educational
Activities Committee Chair |
1991-1992 |
College of Engineering
Strategic Planning Committee |
1991 |
Department Undergraduate
Advisor |
1989-1991 |
Department Curriculum
Committee Chair |
1988-1989 |
Department: |
Alumni Relations Committee |
2009- |
Graduate Committee |
2006-2007 |
Alumni Relations Committee |
2005-2007 |
Honors Student Academic
Advisor |
2002-2005 |
Graduate Curriculum Committee |
2000-2002 |
Undergraduate Laboratory
Committee |
1998-2000 |
Academic Program Review
Committee |
1996 |
Graduate Curriculum Committee |
1996-1998 |
Graduate Recruitment Committee |
1996-1999 |
Faculty Search Committees
(several searches) |
1993-2004 |
Credentials Committee |
1992-1993 |
ASME student chapter Faculty
Advisor |
1991-1994 |
Graduate Qualifying Exam ad
hoc Committee |
1988-1989 |
Student Awards Committee |
1988-1991 |
Curriculum Committee |
1987-1988 |
Seminar Committee (four
academic years) |
1987-1999 |
College: |
College Faculty Diversity
Committee |
2012- |
Success Strategies for
Emerging Faculty-Mentor |
2010 |
Engineers Without Borders
Faculty Advisor/Mentor |
2008-2009 |
College Strategic Planning
Committee |
2008 |
Women in Engineering Event,
Panelist |
2005 |
College Space Allocation Committee |
1998 |
Committee to review Air Force
ROTC program |
1992-1993 |
Educational Activities
Committee |
1989-1992 |
CCM Fall Symposium session
Chair |
1987-1994 |
University: |
Graduate Expo Planning
Committee and Panelist |
2011 |
Panelist for Ethics in
Research Workshop |
2008 |
Faculty Senate Coordinating
Committee |
2001- 2007 |
Fellow; Inst. for Transforming
Undergrad Education |
1997, 2007 |
Search Committee for Associate
Provost |
1996 |
Faculty Advisor for Wesley
Foundation |
1995- 2008 |
Center for Teaching
Effectiveness Advisory Board |
1994-1998 |
Search Committee for Dean of
Engineering |
1991-1992 |
Faculty Senate Committee on
Academic Appeals |
1991-1994 |
Reviewer: J. of Power Sources, J. of Applied Mechanics, Int. J. of Solids
and Structures, Int. J. Fracture, Eng. Fracture Mechanics, Experimental
Mechanics, Composites Science and Technology, Composites Part A, J. Engineering
Mechanics, J. of Applied Biomechanics, J. Eng. Matls. and Tech. Int. J. of
Plasticity, Mech. Research Comm., McGraw Hill, Addison-Wesley
Proposal Reviewer:
NSF Proposal Review Panel, NIH Special Study Section, National Science
Foundation, Army Research Office, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Oak
Ridge Associated Universities
Symposium Co-Chair:
“Materials for Clean Energy,” held at the ASME international Meeting in
November, 2006. “Damage and Durability in Inhomogeneous Materials,” held at the
ASME international Meeting in November, 2005
Workshop Instructor:
"Workshop on Composite Materials," Army Evaluation Center, Aberdeen,
MD, June 2002, “Gordon Research Conference on Composites” Ventura CA,
January1998,“Engineering Concepts to Enhance High School Math/Science
Curricula,” University of Delaware, each June 1995-1999, 2007,
"Professional Development Course on Composite Materials," duPont,
Jan. 1987, "Workshop on Composite Materials," Army Evaluation Center,
Aberdeen, MD, June 2002.
University Liaison:
Delaware Technical and Community College, Mechanical Engineering Technology
Industrial Advisory Committee; 1988-2000
Engineering Expert
Witness: on legal cases involving biomechanics, accident reconstruction, product
liability and structural failure, 1990- present
Stemless Hip
Prosthesis, Inventors: Advani, S. G., Santare, M. H., Miller, F., Joshi, M., United
States Patent #6,379,390, awarded, April 30, 2002
The Mechanics of Solids:
History and Evolution: A Festschrift in Honor of Arnold D. Kerr, Editors,
M.H. Santare and M.J. Chajes, University of Delaware Press, April, 2008
Dundurs, J. and Santare, M.H.,
“The Use of Dislocations as Green’s Functions in Plane Elasticity,” in The
Mechanics of Solids: History and Evolution: A Festschrift in Honor of Arnold D.
Kerr, University of Delaware Press, p. 241-62, April, 2008
Lu, Z.,
Santare, M.H., Karlsson, A.M., Busby, F.C., Walsh, P., “Time-Dependent Mechanical Behavior Proton
Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Electrodes,” Journal of Power Sources, v. 229, p. 543-52, 2014
N.S., Lu, Z., Karlsson, A.M., Santare, M.H., Busby, F.C., Schmiedel, T., “Time-Dependent Mechanical Response of a Composite
PFSA Membrane,”
Journal of Power Sources, v.
228, p. 256-69, 2013
M.A., Santare, M.H., “Modeling the Progressive Damage of the Microdroplet Test
using Contact Surfaces with Cohesive Behavior,” Composites Science and
Technology v.
72, #16, p. 2024-31, 2012
Lu, Z.,
Lugo, M., Santare, M.H., Karlsson, A.M., Busby, F.C., Walsh, P., “An
experimental Investigation of Strain Rate, Temperature and Humidity Effects on
the Mechanical Behavior of a PFSA Membrane,” Journal of Power Sources, v. 214, p. 130-36, 2012
N.S., Karlsson, A.M., Santare, M.H., Walsh, P., Busby, F.C., “Effect of
Time-Dependent Material Properties on the Mechanical Behavior of PFSA Membranes
Subjected to Humidity Cycling,” Journal of Power Sources, v. 214, p. 365-76, 2012
A., Karlsson, A.M., Santare, M.H., “Aspects of Fatigue Failure Mechanisms in
Polymer Fuel Cells Membranes,” Journal of Polymer
Science: Part B: Polymer Physics,
v. 49, #21, p. 1506-17, 2011
V.C.S., Santare M.H., Krishnan P., Advani S.G., “Amino Functionalization of
MWNTs and Their Effect on ILSS of Hybrid Nanocomposites,” Composite
Interfaces, v.
18, #4, p. 339-55, 2011
Chandrasekaran, V.C.S,
Advani, S.G., Santare, M.H., “Influence of Resin Properties on Interlaminar
Shear Strength of Glass/Epoxy/MWNT Hybrid Composites,” Composites Part A, v. 42, #8, p. 1007-16, 2011
Lu, Z., Kim, C.,
Karlsson, A.M., Cross, J.C., Santare, M.H., “Effect of GDL Modulus and
Land-Groove Geometry on Membrane Stresses in PEM Fuel Cells,” Journal of
Power Sources,
v. 196, #10, p. 4646-54, 2011
Chandrasekaran V.C.S,
Advani, S.G., Santare, M.H., “Role of Processing on Interlaminar Shear Strength
Enhancement of Epoxy/Glass fiber/Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Hybrid
Composites,” Carbon v. 48, #13, p. 3692-99, 2010
Kusoglu, A., Santare, M.H.,
Karlsson, A.M., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B., “Numerical Investigation of
Mechanical Durability in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells,” Journal
of the Electrochemical Society, v. 157, #5, p. B705-13, 2010
Kusoglu, A., Karlsson, A.M.,
Santare, M.H., “Structure-Property Relationship in Ionomer Membranes,” Polymer, v. 51,
#6, p. 1457-64, 2010
Kusoglu, A., Tang, Y., Lugo, M.,
Karlsson, A.M., Santare, M.H., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B., “Constitutive Response
and Mechanical Properties of PFSA Membranes in Liquid Water,” Journal of
Power Sources,
v. 195, #2, p. 483-92, 2010
Johnson, B.B., Santare, M.H.,
Novotny, J.E., Advani, S.G., “Wear Behavior of Carbon Nanotube/High Density
Polyethylene Composites,” Mechanics of Materials, v. 41, #10, p. 1108-15, 2009
Wang, X., Gazonas, G.A., Santare, M.H., “On the Effective Electroelastic
Properties of Microcracked Generally Anisotropic Solids,” International
Journal of Fracture,
v. 158, #1, p. 27-40, 2009
Wang, X., Santare, M.H., Gazonas, G.A., “Anisotropic Effective Moduli of
Microcracked Materials Under Antiplane Loading,” Engineering Fracture
Mechanics, v.
76, #12, p. 1910-19, 2009
Kusoglu, A.,
Santare, M.H., Karlsson, A.M., “Mechanics-Based Model for Non-Affine Swelling
in Perfluorosulfonic Acid (PFSA) Membranes,” Polymer, v. 50, #11, p.
2481-91, 2009
Kusoglu, A., Tang, Y., Santare,
M.H., Karlsson, A.M., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B., “Stress-Strain
Behavior of Perfluorosulfonic Acid (PFSA) Membranes at Various Temperatures and
Humidities: Experiments and Phenomenological Modeling,” Journal of
Fuel Cell Science and Technology, v. 6, #1, p. 011012, 2009
Kusoglu, A.,
Santare, M.H., Karlsson, A.M., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B., “Micro-Mechanics
Model Based on the Nanostructure of PFSA Membranes,” Journal of Polymer
Science Part B: Polymer Physics, v. 46, #22, p. 2404-17, 2008
Su, D., Santare, M.H., Gazonas,
G.A., “An Effective Medium Model for Elastic Waves in Microcrack Damaged
Media,” Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 75, #14, p. 4104-16, 2008
Fan, Z., Santare,
M.H., Advani, S.G., “Interlaminar Shear Strength of Glass Fiber
Reinforced Epoxy Composites Enhanced with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes,” Composites Part A, v. 39, #3, p. 540-54, 2008
Y., Kusoglu, A., Karlsson, A.M., Santare, M.H., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B.,
“Mechanical Properties of a Reinforced Composite Polymer Electrolyte Membrane
and its Simulated Performance in PEM Fuel Cells,” Journal of Power Sources, v. 175, #2, p. 817-25, 2008
Kusoglu, A., Karlsson, A.M., Santare, M.H., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B.,
“Mechanical Behavior of Fuel Cell Membranes under Humidity Cycles and Effect of
Swelling Anisotropy on the Fatigue Stresses,” Journal of Power Sources, v. 170, #2, p. 345-58, 2007
D., Santare, M.H., Gazonas, G.A., “The Effect of Crack Face Contact on the
Anisotropic Effective Moduli of Microcrack Damaged Media,” Engineering
Fracture Mechanics,
v. 74, #9, p. 1436-55, 2007
Kusoglu, A., Karlsson, A.M., Santare, M.H., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B.,
“Mechanical Response of Fuel Cell Membranes Subjected to a Hygro-Thermal
Cycle,” Journal of Power Sources,
v. 161, #2, p.
987-996, 2006
Y., Karlsson, A.M., Santare, M.H., Gilbert, M., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B.,
“An Experimental Investigation of Humidity and Temperature Effects on the
Mechanical Properties of Perfluorosulfonic Acid Membranes,” Materials
Science & Engineering A, v. 425, #1-2 p. 297-304, 2006
Y., Santare, M.H., Karlsson, A.M., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B., “Stresses in Proton
Exchange Membranes Due To Hygro-Thermal Loading,” Journal of Fuel Cell
Science and Technology, v. 3, #2, p. 119-24, 2006
S.T., Martins, H.B., Camanho, P.P., Santare, M.H., de Castro, P.M.S.T.,
“Residual Stress Field and Reduction of Stress Intensity Factors in Cold-Worked
Holes,” Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, v. 44, #2, p. 168-77, 2005
Tang, W., Santare,
M.H., Advani, S.G., “Melt Processing and Mechanical Property Characterization
of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes/High Density Polyethylene (MCNT/HDPE)
Composite Films,” Carbon, v. 41, #14, p. 2779-85, 2003
Thamburaj, P., Santare,
M.H., Gazonas, G.A., “The Effect of Graded Strength on Damage Propagation in
Continuously Nonhomogeneous Materials,” Journal of Engineering Materials and
Technology, v.
125, #4, p. 412-17, 2003
Santare, M.H.,
Thamburaj, P., Gazonas, G.A., “The use of Graded Finite Elements in the Study
of Elastic Wave Propagation in Continuously Nonhomogeneous Materials,” International
Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 40, #21, p. 5621-34, 2003
Anlas, G., Lambros, J.,
Santare, M.H., "Dominance of Asymptotic Crack Tip Fields in Elastic
Functionally Graded Materials," International Journal of Fracture, v. 115, #2, p. 193-204, 2002
Santare, M.H.,
Pastrama, S.D., de Castro, P.M.S.T., "A Practical Fracture Analysis for
Functionally Graded Materials," Journal of Mechanical Behavior of
Materials, v.
13, #1, p. 17-32, 2002
Cheeseman, B.A.,
Santare, M.H., "Thermal Residual Stress and Interphase Effects on
Crack-Inclusion Interaction," Journal of Composite Materials, v. 36, # 5, p. 553-69, 2002
Santare, M.H.,
"Recent Work on Fracture of Continuously Nonhomogeneous Materials," The
Bulletin of the Romanian Association of Fracture Mechanics, (published in Romanian), v.
11, p. 1-8, 2001
Cheeseman, B.A.,
Santare, M.H., "The Effect of the Interphase on Crack-Inclusion
Interactions," International Journal of Fracture, v. 109, #3, p. 303-23, 2001
Ribble, T.G., Santare,
M.H., Miller, F., "Stresses in the Growth Plate of the Developing Femur,"
Journal of Applied Biomechanics v. 17, #2, p. 129-41, 2001
Santare, M.H., Lambros,
J., "Use of Graded Finite Elements to Model the Behavior of Nonhomogeneous
Materials," Journal of Applied Mechanics, v. 67, # 4, p. 819-22, 2000
Joshi, M.G., Advani,
S.G., Miller, F., Santare, M.H., "Analysis of a Femoral Hip Prosthesis
Designed to Reduce Stress Shielding," Journal of Biomechanics, v. 33, #12, p. 1655-62, 2000
Anlas, G., Santare,
M.H., Lambros, J., "Numerical Calculation of Stress Intensity Factors in
Functionally Graded Materials," International Journal of Fracture, v. 104, #2, p. 131-43, 2000
Cheeseman, B.A.,
Santare, M.H., "The Interaction of a Curved Crack with a Circular Elastic
Inclusion," International Journal of Fracture, v. 103, #3, p. 259-77, 2000
Li, H., Lambros, J.,
Cheeseman, B.A., Santare, M.H., "Experimental Investigation of the
Quasi-Static Fracture of a Functionally Graded Material," International
Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 37, #27, p. 3715-32, 2000
Joshi, M.G., Santare,
M.H., Advani, S.G., "A Survey of Stress Analyses of the Hip
Prosthesis," Applied Mechanics Reviews, v. 53, No. 1, p. 1-18, 2000
Lambros, J.,
Narayanswamy, A., Santare, M.H., Anlas, G., "Manufacture and Testing of a
Functionally Graded Material," Journal of Engineering Materials and
Technology, v.
121, No. 4, p. 488-93, 1999
Feltman, R.S., Santare,
M.H., "Anisotropic Effective Moduli of Cracked Short-Fiber Reinforced
Composites," Journal of Applied Mechanics, v. 66, No. 3, p. 709-13, 1999
Lambros, J., Santare,
M.H., Li, H., Sapna, G.H. III, "A Novel Technique for the Fabrication of
Laboratory Scale Model Funtionally Graded Materials, "Experimental
Mechanics, v.
39, No. 3, p. 184-190, 1999
Reinhardt, A., Advani,
S.G., Santare, M.H., Miller, F., "Preliminary Study on Composite Hip
Prosthesis made by Resin Transfer Molding," Journal of Composite
Materials, v.
33, No. 9, p. 852-70, 1999
Feltman, R.S., Santare,
M.H., "A Thermoelastic Model for In-Situ Consolidation of Thermoplastic
Composites," Journal of Thermal Stresses, v. 22, No. 3, p. 305-29, 1999
Shome, B., Wang, L.-P.,
Santare, M.H., Prasad, A.K., Szeri, A.Z., Roberts, D., "Modeling of
Airflow in the Nasopharynx with Application to Sleep Apnea, "Journal of
Biomechanical Engineering, v. 120, No. 3, p. 416-22, 1998
Roth, C.A., Bartolozzi,
A.R., Ciccotti, M.G., Wetzler, M.J., Gillespie, M.J., Snyder-Mackler, L.,
Santare, M.H., "Failure Properties of Suture Anchors in the Glenoid:
Effect of Location and Cortical Thickness," Arthroscopy, v. 14, No. 2, p. 186-91, 1998
Rosselli, F., Santare,
M.H., Güçeri, S.I., "Effects of Processing On Laser Assisted Thermoplastic
Tape Consolidation," Composites Part A, v. 28A, p. 1023-33, 1997
Rosselli, F., Santare,
M.H., "Comparison of the Short Beam Shear (SBS) and the Interlaminar Shear
Device (ISD) Tests," Composites Part A, v. 28A, p. 587-94, 1997
Wetzler, M.J.,
Bartolozzi, A.R., Gillespie, M.J., Roth, C.A., Ciccotti, M.G., Snyder-Mackler,
L., Santare, M.H., "Fatigue Properties of Suture Anchors in Anterior
Shoulder Reconstructions: Mitek GII," Arthroscopy, v. 12, p. 687-93, 1996
Cheeseman, B.A.,
Santare, M.H., O'Toole, B.J., "Flexural Failure of Notched Curved
Composite Beams, " Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 54, No. 4, p. 479-98, 1996
Santare, M.H.,
Crocombe, A.D., Anlas, G., "Anisotropic Effective Moduli of Materials With
Microcracks," Engineering Fracture Mechanics, v. 52, No. 5, p. 833-42, 1995
Anlas, G., Santare,
M.H., Hall, I.W., "Modeling the Effect of Fiber Breakage on the Elastic
Properties of Short Fiber Composites," Composite Science and Technology, v. 54, No. 2, p. 113-122, 1995
Qaissaunee, M.T.,
Santare, M.H., "Edge Dislocation Interacting With an Inclusion Surrounded
by an Interfacial Region," Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied
Mathematics, v.
48, No. 3, p. 465-482, 1995
Santare, M.H.,
"Dislocation Inside an Isotropic Elliptical Inclusion Surrounded by an
Anisotropic Medium," Journal of Applied Mechanics, v. 62, p. 537- 539, 1995
Feltman, R.S., Santare,
M.H., "Evolution of Fiber Waviness During the Forming of Aligned Fiber
Thermoplastic Composites," Composites Manufacturing, v. 5, No. 4, p. 203-215, 1994
Anlas, G., Santare,
M.H., "An Arbitrarily Oriented Crack Inside an Elliptical Inclusion,"
Journal of Applied Mechanics, v. 60, p. 589-594, 1993
Anlas, G., Santare,
M.H., "A Model for Matrix Cracking in Short Fiber Composites," International
Journal of Solids and Structures, v. 30, No. 12, p. 1701-1713, 1993
Patton, E.M., Santare,
M.H., "Crack Path Prediction Near an Elliptical Inclusion," Engineering
Fracture Mechanics,
v. 44, No. 2, p. 195-206, 1993
Ardiç, E.S., Santare,
M.H., "A Nonclassical Stress Analysis for a Laminated Composite
Section," Composites Science and Technology, v. 41, p. 63- 75, 1991
Santare, M.H., O'Toole,
B.J., Patton, E.M., "Two Dimensional Crack Inclusion Interaction Effects:
Analysis and Experiments," Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, v. 113, No. 3, p. 392-397,
Lotter, R.E., Santare,
M.H., "Analysis of Mode I and Mode II Delamination Specimens Using a
Comparative Finite Element Method," Composites Science and Technology, v. 40, p. 87-107, 1991
O'Toole, B.J., Santare,
M.H., "Photoelastic Investigation of Crack - Inclusion Interaction," Experimental
Mechanics, v.
30, No. 3, p. 253-257, 1990
Patton, E.M., Santare,
M.H., "The Effect of a Rigid Elliptical Inclusion on a Straight
Crack," International Journal of Fracture, v. 46, p. 71-79, 1990
Ardiç, E.S., Santare,
M.H., Chou, T.-W., "A Nonclassical Model for the Stresses in 3-D
Continuous Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials, "International Journal
of Solids and Structures, v. 26, No. 5/6, p. 643- 53, 1990
Ardiç, E.S., Santare,
M.H., Chou, T.-W., "Stress Fields in a Composite Material by Means of a Non-Classical
Approach," International Journal of Engineering Science, v. 27, No. 11, p. 1397-1405,
Santare, M.H., Keer,
L.M., Lewis, J.L., "Cracks Emanating From a Fluid Filled Void Loaded in
Compression: Application to the Bone-Implant Interface, "Journal of
Biomechanical Engineering, v. 109, p. 55- 59, 1987
Santare, M.H., Keer,
L.M., "Interaction Between a Dislocation and a Rigid Elliptical
Inclusion," Journal of Applied Mechanics, v. 53, p. 382-385, 1986
Lewis, J.L., Keller,
C., Stulberg, S.D., Steege, J., Santare, M.H., "The Role of Fluid
Hydrostatic Pressure in Bone-Implant Interface Load Transfer," Annals
of Biomedical Engineering, v. 12, p. 559-571, 1984
Chandrasekaran, V.C.S.,
Santare, M.H., and Advani, S.G., “Pseudo Reinforcement Effect of Multiwaled
Carbon Nanotubes in Epoxy/Glass Fiber Hybrid Composites,” Proceedings of the
9th International Conference on Textile Composites, p. 34-41, 2008
Kusoglu, A., Karlsson,
A.M., Santare, M.H., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B., “Investigation of Stress and
Water Distribution in Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA) During Fuel Cell
Operation,” Electrochemical Society Transactions, 16 (2) p. 551-61, 2008
Su, D., Santare, M.H.,
Gazonas, G.A., “Numerical Modeling of Anisotropic Effective Moduli of Media
with Microcrack Damage,” Proceedings of the 14th APS Conference on Shock
Compression of Condensed Matter-2005, eds. Furnish, M.D., Elert, M., Russell,
T.P., White, C.T., American Institute of Physics, p. 359-62, 2006
Tang, Y., Santare,
M.H., Karlsson, A.M., Cleghorn, S., Johnson, W.B., “Stresses in Proton Exchange
Membranes due to Hydration-dehydration Cycles,” Proceedings of Third
International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, p.
207-13, 2005
Johnson, B.B., Santare,
M.H., Novotny, J.E., Advani, S.G., “Manufacturing and Performance of Carbon
Nanotube/High Density Polyethylene Composites,” Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, p. 563-67,
Santare, M.H., Tang,
W., Novotny, J.E., Advani, S.G., “Mechanical Characterization of a
Nanotube-Polyethylene Composite Material,” Proceedings of the ASME
International Congress and Exposition, p. 175-79, 2003
Pinho, S.T., Martins,
H.B., Camanho, P.P., Santare, M.H., de Castro, P.M.S.T., “The Influence of
Cold-Work on the Stress Intensity Factor of Cracked Holes,” Eighth Portuguese
Conference on Fracture, Vila Real, p. 179-88, 2002.
Pastrama, S.D.,
Santare, M.H., de Castro, P.M.S.T., "The Weight Function and the Stress
Intensity Factor for a Cracked Plate Made From a Continuously Nonhomogenious
Material", Proceedings of the 7th Romanian Symposium on Fracture
Mechanics, p. 1-7, 2001
Riley, S.P., Santare,
M.H., Advani, S.G., Miller, F., "Testing of a Novel Hip Prosthesis
Design," Proceedings of the ASME Biomechanical Engineering Division, v.
39, 2000 Winter Annual Meeting, 2 pages, 2000
Santare, M.H., Joshi,
M.G., Advani, S.G., Riley, S.P., Miller, F., "Stress Based Design of a
Femoral Hip Prosthesis," American Society of Biomechanics 23rd. Annual
Meeting, p. 106-107, 1999
Naranaswamy, A.,
Santare, M.H., Lambros, J., "Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the
Fracture of Functionally Graded Materials," ASME Mechanics and Materials
Conference, p. 214-15, 1999
Joshi, M.G., Santare,
M.H., Advani, S.G., Miller, F., "Analysis for Design of a Composite Hip
Prosthesis," Proceedings of the ASME Biomechanical Engineering Division,
v. 36, 1997 Winter Annual Meeting, p. 299-300, 1997
Ribble, T.G., Santare,
M.H., Miller, F., "Finite Element Study of the Developing Proximal
Femur," Proceedings of the 15th Southern Biomedical Engineering
Conference, University of Dayton, p. 497-99, 1996
Feltman, R.S., Santare
M.H., "A Thermo-Elastic Model for Residual Stress Produced During the On-Line
Consolidation of Thermoplastic Composites," Proc. of the 1996 NSF Design
and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, p. 373- 374, 1996
Rosselli, F., Santare
M.H., "Interlaminar Strength of Thermoplastic Composite Rings Maufactured
Using Laser-Assisted On-Line Consolidation," Proc. of the 1996 NSF Design
and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, p. 431-432, 1996
Feltman, R.S., Santare
M.H., "Evaluation of Residual Stresses Produced During In-situ
Consolidation of Thermoplastic Composites," Proceedings of the ASME
Materials Division, v. 1, 1995 Winter Annual Meeting, p. 57-63, 1995
Santare, M.H.,
Rosselli, F., Feltman, R.S., "Evaluation of Residual Stresses and
Interlaminar Strength of Filament Wound Thermop lastic Rings," Proc. of
the 1995 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, p. 485-486, 1995
Feltman, R.S., Santare,
M.H., Güçeri, S.I., "Development of Residual Stress Models for Laser
Assisted On-Line Consolidation of Thermoplastic Matrix Composites,"
Proceedings of the 1994 NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, p.
547-548, 1994
Qaissaunee, M.T.,
Santare, M.H., "Microcracking in Composites with an Interphase Region,
" Proceedings of the 25th International SAMPE Technical Conference, p.
995-1007, 1993
Santare, M.H., Pipes,
R.B., Beaussart, A.J., Coffin, D.W., O'Toole, B.J., Shuler S.F.,
"Establishing the Relationship Between Manufacturing and Component
Performance in Stretch Formed Thermoplastic Composites," Proceedings of
the Third NASA Advanced Composite Technology Conference, v. I, part 2, 571-90,
O'Toole, B.J., Santare,
M.H., "Effect of Material Heterogeneity in Curved Composite Beams for use
in Aircraft Structures," Proceedings of the Ninth DoD/NASA/FAA Conference
on Fibrous Composites in Structural Design, Vol I, p. 157-66, 1992
Pipes, R.B., Santare,
M.H., O'Toole, B.J., Beaussart, A.J., DeHeer, D.C., Okine, R.K., "Long
Discontinuous Fiber Composite Structure -Forming and Structural
Mechanics," Proceedings of The First NASA Advanced Composites Technology
Conference, p. 247-70, 1991
Anlas, G., Santare,
M.H., Hall, I.W., "Deformation of Short Fiber Metal Matrix
Composites," Proceedings of the 1991 Symposium on Enhancing Analysis
Techniques for Composite Materials, ASME, p. 279-85, 1991
Patton, E.M., Santare,
M.H., "Study of the Stress Field Near the Tip of a Crack Interacting With
a Rigid Inclusion," Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Boundary Element Technology, Computational Mechanics Publications, p. 89-97,
Santare , M.H.,
O'Toole, B.J., Patton, E.M., "Two Dimensional Crack Inclusion Interaction
Effects: Analysis and Experiments," Proceedings of the 1989 Symposium on
Computational Experiments, ASME, p. 93-100, 1989
Santare, M.H., Keer,
L.M., Lewis, J.L., "Compression Induced Fracture at the Bone-Cement
Interface," Proceedings of the 1987 Biomechanics Symposium, ASME, p.
93-96, 1987
Zand, M.S., Santare,
M., Lewis, J.L., Wixon, R.W., "Bone Cement Pressure Distribution During
Insertion of Posted Tibial Components," Trans. 30th Orthopaedic Research
Soc., p. 60, 1984
Keller, C., Lewis,
J.L., Stulberg, D., Steege, J., Szela, E., Santare, M., Hori, R.Y., "The
Role of Fluid Hydrostatic Pressure in Bone/Implant Interface Load
Transfer," Trans. 29th Orthopaedic Research Soc., p. 35, 1983
Continuum Mechanics," UD Capture, University of Delaware Distance Learning
Program (26-75 minute lectures), 2012
Solid Mechanics," UD Online, University of Delaware Distance Learning
Program (24-90 minute lectures), 2004
Continuum Mechanics," UD Online, University of Delaware Distance Learning
Program (26-75 minute lectures), 2002
Continuum Mechanics," on FOCUS, University of Delaware Instructional Video
Series (26-75 minute lectures), 1995
"Theory of
Elasticity," on FOCUS, University of Delaware Instructional Video Series
(24-90 minute lectures), 1994
"Concepts in
Elasticity and Strength of Materials," in Introduction to Composites,
University of Delaware Professional Development Video Series (video tape #2 in
series), 1989
“Hydrogen Vehicles for All
Seasons,” written by Neil Thomas, UD Messenger, Campus Community magazine, v.
15, No. 2, June 2007
“Delaware Researchers Part of
Fuel Cell Team,” written by Neil Thomas, UDaily, Campus News Website, March 27,
"Artificial Hip
Takes on Natural Weight Load," news article, Machine Design magazine, v. 72, No. 5, March 9,
"The Science
and Scientists Behind Today’s News: Longer Lasting Hip Replacements,"
produced by Kelli Miller, Inside Science TV (90 second news video) aired on
News 3 at 4, KVBC-TV, Las Vegas, February 18, 2000
Artificial Hip Design Mimics Nature," written by John DeGaspari, Mechanical
Engineering magazine,
January 2000
"The Science and
Scientists Behind Today’s News: Longer Lasting Hip Replacements," produced
by Kelli Miller, Inside Science TV (90 second news video) aired on The Ten O’ Clock News,
WLVI-TV, Boston, December 17, 1999
"Developments to
Watch: A Hipper Prosthesis," written by Ellen Licking, Business Week magazine, November 1, 1999
Design Artificial Hip Mimicking Mother Nature," written by Ginger
Pinholster, Up Date Campus Community newspaper, October 28, 1999
“Mechanics of Ionomer
Fuel Cell Membranes,” Invited Speaker in Tsinghua-UD Workshop on
Nanotechnology for Energy and Environment, Shenzhen, Tsinghua University,
Shenzhen, China, January 2013
“Mechanical Behavior of
Ionomer Fuel Cell Membranes,” Invited Speaker in Fuel Cell Workshop
Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, October 2012
“Micromechanics of the Absorption and
Deformation of PFSA Membranes,” Invited Speaker
in Micromechanics of Interfaces, An International Symposium in Honor of
Professor Leon Keer, Symi, Greece, July 2010
“Mechanical Behavior of
Polymer Fuel Cell Membranes at Freezing Temperatures,” Invited
Speaker in PEMFC Freeze Workshop, Nuvera Fuel Cells Inc., Billerica
MA, February 2009
“Mechanics of Proton Exchange
Fuel Cell Membranes,” Seminar, CUNY,
City College of New York, Mechanical Engineering
Department, New York, NY, March 2007
Behavior and Characterization of Fuel Cell Membranes,”
Seminar, University of California, Davis, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Davis, CA, January 2007
“Nanocomposite Material
for Longer-Lasting Orthopedic Implants,” Seminar, University of
Delaware, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics and Movement
Science Program, Newark, DE, October 2004
“Dislocations as Green's
Functions in Plane Elasticity,” Invited Speaker in Kerr Symposium on
Engineering Mechanics, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, April 2004
“Computational Modeling
of Wave Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials,” Seminar, Johns
Hopkins University, Center for Advanced Metallic and Ceramic Systems,
Baltimore, MD, March 2004
“Processing and
Mechanical Property Characterization of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube-High
Density Polyethylene (MCNT/HDPE) Composite Films,” Invited Speaker in
Drucker Symposium, ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference, Scottsdale, AZ,
June 2003
“Characterization of a
Nanocomposite Material for Orthopedic Applications,” Seminar, University
of Nevada, Las Vegas, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NV, May 2003
“Development of a
Nanocomposite Material to Reduce Wear in Orthopedic Implants,” Seminar,
University of Delaware, Biomechanics and Movement Science Program, Newark, DE,
May 2003
"The Use of
Dislocations as Green's Functions in Fracture," Guest Lecture in;
Mechanics of Fracture, Universidade do Porto, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, Portugal, April 2001
Design of a Femoral Hip Prosthesis," Seminar, Universidade do
Porto, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Portugal, March 2001
"A Brief Overview of
Engineering Education Accreditation in the U.S.," Invited Speaker
in Symposium on Mechanical Engineering Education in Portugal, UTAD, Vila Real,
Portugal, March, 2001
"Fracture of
Continuously Nonhomogeneous Materials," Martins de Brito Seminar
Series, Universidade do Porto, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Portugal,
March 2001
"Fracture of
Continuously Nonhomogeneous Materials," Seminar, University of
Notre Dame, Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering Department, Notre Dame, IN,
November 2000
Design of a Femoral Hip Prosthesis," Seminar, University of
Pennsylvania, Orthopaedic Research Laboratory, Philadelphia, PA, February 2000
“Biomechanics of Human
Joints,” Guest Lecture in; Technology Education Class, Mount Pleasant
High School, Wilmington, DE, February 2000
“Arthritis and Joints
in the Human Body,” Guest Lecture in; Science-the Cutting Edge, Academy
of Life Long Learning, University of Delaware, Wilmington, DE, October 1999
“Biomechanics of Human
Joints,” Guest Lecture in; Technology Education Class, Mount Pleasant
High School, Wilmington, DE, February 1999
"Applications of
Advanced Composite Materials," Discussion Leader for Gordon
Research Conference on Composites, Ventura, CA, January 1998
"Crack Propagation
Around an Inclusion with an Interphase," ARO/URI Invited Speaker in
Site Visit, Army Research Labs, Aberdeen MD, August 1997
“The Effect of
Microcracks on the Elastic Behavior of Brittle Materials,” Seminar,
Lehigh University, Department of Mechanical Eng. and Mechanics, Bethlehem, PA,
March 1995
"Determination of
the Effective Elastic Properties of a Material with Microcracks," Seminar,
Johns Hopkins University, Department of Civil Engineering, Baltimore, MD, April
Composite Structures: Forming and Structural Mechanics," Seminar,
Stevens Institute of Technology, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hoboken,
NJ, February 1991
"Cracks Emanating
From a Fluid Filled Void Loaded in Compression: Application to the Bone-Implant
Interface," Invited Speaker, Delaware Section of American Society
of Mechanical Engineers, Newark, DE, January 1990
Forming," Presented with R.B. Pipes, Plenary Lecture, Center for
Composite Materials, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, September 1989
"Effect of
Material Inhomogeneities on Fracture," University of Delaware Research
Foundation Individual Grant Exhibit, Newark, DE, January 1989
"The Effect of an
Elliptical Inclusion on a Crack," Seminar, Michigan State University,
Dept. of Metallurgy, Mechanics and Material Science, East Lansing, MI, January
"Dislocations as
Green's Functions in Elasticity," Seminar, University of Delaware,
Department of Civil Engineering, Newark, DE, November 1988
"Cracks Emanating
From a Fluid Filled Void Loaded in Compression: Application to the Bone-Implant
Interface," Seminar, Yale University, Department of Mechanical
Engineering, New Haven, CT, March 1986
"Mechanics of the
Fluid Filled Fibrous Tissue at the Bone Prosthesis Interface," Seminar,
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Philadelphia,
PA, March 1986
in the Electrodes of PEM Fuel Cells,” ASME International Congress and
Exposition, Houston, TX, November 2012
Failure of the Membrane in PEM Fuel Cells,” ASME International Congress and
Exposition, Houston, TX, November 2012
“Determination of PEMFC Electrode Mechanical Properties,”
Presented by Zongwen Lu, ASME International Congress and Exposition, Denver,
CO, November 2010
“Mechanical Response of Composite PEMFC Ionomer
Membranes,” Presented by Narinder Singh Khattra, ASME International Congress
and Exposition, Denver, CO, November 2010
“Computational Study of
Wave Propagation in Microcrack Damaged Media,” 24th Annual Meeting, American
Society for Composites, ASC-CACSM, Newark, DE, September 2009
“Role of Processing
Methodology on Interlaminar Shear Strength of Multi Walled Carbon
Nanotube/Epoxy/Glass fiber Hybrid Composites,” Presented by S.G. Advani, 24th
Annual Meeting, American Society for Composites, ASC-CACSM, Newark, DE,
September 2009
“Investigation of Mechanical
Properties of Perfluorosulfonic (PFSA) Membranes,” Presented by A. Kusoglu,
ASME International Congress and Exposition, Boston, MA, November 2008
“Investigation of Water
Content and Stresses in MEA during Fuel Cell Operation,” Presented by A.
Kusoglu, PRIME’ 08 - 214th Fall Meeting of the Electrochemical Society,
Honolulu, HI, October 2008
of Swelling Behavior and Mechanical Properties of Perfluorosulfonic Acid
Membranes,” Presented by Y. Tang, ASME International Congress and Exposition,
Seattle, WA, November 2007
Constitutive Modeling for the Stress-strain Behavior of Perflourosulfonic Acid
(PFSA) Membranes as a Function of Temperature and Humidity,” Presented by A.
Kusoglu, ASME Summer Mechanics and Materials Conference, Austin, TX, June 2007
“Computational and Analytical Study of
Wave Propagation in Microcrack Damaged Media,” Presented by D. Su, ASME Summer
Mechanics and Materials Conference, Austin, TX, June 2007
“Mechanical Response of
Reinforced Fuel Cell Membranes under Hygro-Thermal Loading,” Presented by Y.
Tang, ASME International Congress and Exposition, Chicago, IL, November 2006
“Damage Effects on Wave
Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials,” ASME International Congress and
Exposition, Orlando, FL, November 2005
“Numerical Modeling of
Anisotropic Effective Moduli of Media with Microcrack Damage,” Presented by D.
Su, 14th APS Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter, Baltimore,
MD, August 2005
“Stresses in Proton
Exchange Membranes due to Hydration-dehydration Cycles,” Third International
Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology, Ypsilanti, MI, May
“Performance of Carbon
Nanotube/High Density Polyethylene Composites,” ASME International Congress and
Exposition, Anaheim, CA, November 2004
“Micromechanical Damage
Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials,” ASME International Congress and
Exposition, Anaheim, CA, November 2004
“Manufacturing and Performance
of Carbon Nanotube/High Density Polyethylene Composites,” 7th International
Conference on Flow Processes in Composite Materials, Newark, DE, July, 2004
“Mechanical Characterization
of a Nanotube-Polyethylene Composite Material,” ASME International Congress and
Exposition, Washington, DC, November 2003
“The Effect of Material
Grading on Damage Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials,” ASME
International Congress and Exposition, Washington, DC, November 2003
"Use of Graded
Finite Elements to Model Wave Propagation in Continuously Nonhomogeneous
Materials," ASME International Congress and Exposition, New Orleans, LA,
November 2002
“Stress Wave
Propagation in Functionally Graded Materials Using Continuously Graded Finite
Elements,” 14th US National Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Blacksburg, VA, June 2002
Calculation of the Crack-tip Stress Field in Continuously Nonhomogeneous
Materials (CNM's)," ASME International Congress and Exposition, Orlando,
FL, November 2000
“K-Field Issues in
Continuously Heterogeneous Materials,” ASME International Congress and
Exposition, Orlando, FL, November 2000
“Testing of a Novel Hip
Prosthesis Design,” ASME International Congress and Exposition, Orlando, FL,
November 2000
"Stress Based
Design of a Femoral Hip Prosthesis," Poster presentation, Whitaker
Foundation Biomedical Engineering Research Grantees Conference, La Jolla, CA,
August 1999
"Experimental and
Numerical Analysis of the Fracture of Functionally Graded Materials,"
Presented by G. Anlas, ASME Mechanics and Materials Conference, Virginia Tech.
University, Blacksburg, VA, June 1999
"Fracture of
Continuously Nonhomogeneous Materials," ASME International Congress and
Exposition, Anaheim, CA, November 1998
In-Vitro Durability Study on Composite Hip Prosthesis Made by Resin Transfer
Molding," ASME International Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, CA,
November 1998
“Failure Characterization
of Model Functionally Graded Materials,” Presented by J. Lambros, ASME
International Congress and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, November 1998
"Stresses in the
Growth Plate of the Developing Proximal Femur," ASME Applied Mechanics
Summer Symposium, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, June 1997
"Residual Stresses
and Interlaminar Strength of Thermoplastic Rings," Poster presentation,
NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees Conference, Albuquerque, NM, January 1996
“Evaluation of Residual
Stresses Produced During Laser Assisted Consolidation of Thermoplastic
Composites,” ASME International Congress and Exposition, San Francisco, CA,
Nov. 1995
"Residual Stress
Models for Laser Assisted On-Line Consolidation of Thermoplastic
Composites," Poster presentation, NSF Design and Manufacturing Grantees
Conference, Cambridge MA, January 1994
"Fracture of an
Elliptical Inclusion and its Implications for the Effective Properties of Short
Fiber Composites," Center for Composite Materials Fall Symposium, Newark,
DE, September 1992
"Establishing the
Relationship Between Manufacturing and Component Performance in Stretch Formed
Thermoplastic Composites," Third NASA Advanced Composites Technology
Grantees Conference, Long Beach, CA, June 1992
"Deformation of
Short Fiber Metal Matrix Composites," Presented by G. Anlas, Symposium on
Enhancing Analysis Techniques for Composite Materials, ASME, Atlanta GA, Dec.
"Effect of
Material Heterogeneity in Curved Composite Beams for use in Aircraft
Structures," Presented by B.J. O'Toole, 9th DOD/NASA/FAA Grantees
Conference on Fibrous Composites in Structural Design, Lake Tahoe, NV, November
Discontinuous Fiber Composite Structure -Forming and Structural
Mechanics," First NASA Advanced Composites Technology Grantees Conference,
Seattle, WA, October 1990
"Study of the
Stress Field Near the Tip of a Crack Interacting With a Rigid Inclusion,"
Presented by E.M. Patton, 5th International Conference on Boundary Element
Technology, BETECH 90, University of DE, July 1990.
"Two Dimensional
Crack-Inclusion Interaction Effects: Theory and Experiments," ASME
Symposium on Computational Experiments, Honolulu, HI, July 1989
Composite Structures," Advanced Composite Technology Program Grantees
Conference, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, May 1989
Induced Fracture at the Bone-Cement Interface," ASME Biomechanics
Symposium, Cincinnati, OH, June 1987