MEEG 690, fall 2004
INSTRUCTOR: Michael D. Greenberg, 106 Spencer Lab
302-831-8159,, FAX 302-831-3619
I'm generally in the office (106 Spencer Lab) all afternoon (with
occasional committee meetings etc.) and evening as well, but if you
are coming from off campus I advise you to make a specific
appointment so you don't miss me.
COURSE ORGANIZATION: The grade in this course is based entirely on
three exams, which are
worth 20%, 40%, and 40% respectively. The first is arranged to be
worth only 20% so that if you have trouble getting going a low grade
in the first exam can probably still be overcome. The students study
the lecture notes (which are posted, as they become available)
at the ONLINE course website, the text (below), Solutions
to the Suggested Exercises from the text, and a set of several
representative Old Exams and their solutions. These old exams
are by no means intended as providing “brackets” within which
this year’s exams will fall. They are intended only as guidelines
as to what the exams look like; in fact, during the years in which
those exams were given the course coverage might have been slightly
different, so don’t lean too heavily on them in preparing for this
year’s exams. Students work on all of these elements of the course
and call me or e-mail me or come by to visit if they are close enough
to do that, in order to get their study questions answered. Don’t
hesitate to do that.
TEXT: “Advanced
Engineering Mathematics”, 2nd ed, 1998, by M. D.
PREREQUISITES: At a bare minimum you should have had the standard
sequence of calculus and ordinary differential equations (ODEs). You
should be able to solve any constant-coefficient linear homogeneous
differential equation or homogeneous Cauchy-Euler equation; if you
can’t do that it can hurt your grade substantially since such
equations show up in the exams in one way or another; low grades in
this course correlate with weakness in this area. It’s also
expected that you will have seen bits and pieces of the material in
this course elsewhere; the bits and pieces will vary from one student
to the next. For instance, you have probably seen some separation of
variables and Fourier series, for partial differential equations
(PDEs), in your engineering courses. Also, you will no doubt have
seen some matrix theory, and so on. Don’t worry about parts of
this course overlapping with parts of your previous courses;
stretches where we cover material that you've seen before might
provide welcome relief for you that will help you to keep up with
what would otherwise be an extremely fast pace if all of this
material were new. Use this opportunity to look more deeply at any
material you’ve seen before in other courses, for instance by
studying the text and more challenging exercises more carefully.
experience is that in this course there are usually a handful of very
low grades. Thus, see where you stand – as quickly as you can –
in terms of a possible withdrawal from the course. Feel free to call
me to discuss this if you wish, before or after the first exam. I
believe the low grades that occur are due to some combination of the
student having forgotten a lot (calculus and/or differential
equations), and simply not devoting the necessary time to the course.
Thus, I urge you to be careful about where you stand in the course
insofar as an eventual grade is concerned.
EXAMS: The grade is based solely on three
closed-book exams. Don’t be intimidated by the closed book aspect
since the course is not centered on memorization, but on
understanding. Some formulas are provided in some of the exams. For
instance, for the first exam there are usually no formulas given, but
for the second exam there usually are formulas given. For example, I
would certainly not expect you to memorize such formulas as the
gradient, divergence, curl, and Laplacian in spherical polar
coordinates (see the inside cover of the text for these and you’ll
see what I mean). For a guideline to this see the practice exams. It is
expected that exam papers will be professional looking
presentations rather than having the look of "scratchwork,"
and will show steps and reasoning (with some words and
sentences, as needed). “The answer” that I grade is not just the
final result, but your whole solution process and presentation of it.
The Maple computer-algebra system is covered in the text but
will not be on the exams. If you have Maple available to you I
encourage you to use this text to learn how to apply it to this
course (unless you already know other such systems), and some extra
exercise solutions by Maple are included to help you to do
that. Finally, at least 3 hours is allowed for each exam, which
should be enough time so that you don’t need to race against the
clock, and for you to have enough time to look over your work. When to
take the exams: This is pretty much up to you, but as a
guideline keep in mind that the first exam covers around 20% of the
material, the second around 40%, and so on. To arrange to take Exam
I, say, contact Dean Werrell’s office to set the time; I don’t
need to be in that loop. But if there are more than one of you at a
particular work site then you will need to coordinate among
yourselves a time that will suit all of you and make the arrangements
as a group.
HONESTY: All exams are "closed book," meaning that any
use of books
and/or notes
is not permitted. You must use the paper provided at the exam by the
proctor. No communication between students is permitted during the
exams. Not to dwell on this, but I'm trying to avoid the occasional
very serious problems along these lines that have arisen in the past,
so if you have any questions about this policy please ask me.
90-l00 = A, 85-90 = A-,
80-85 = B+, 75-80 = B, 70-75 = B-
= C+, 62-66 = C, 58-62 = C-,
54-58 = D+, 50-54 = D, less = F
There are no
"makeup" exams or extra-work options available to improve
grades; I simply add the three grades and use the absolute grade
scheme defined above, so be sure that you are prepared for each exam.
The grading is very “unforgiving” since, as I said, I just add up
the points and use the absolute grade scale given above. Realize also
that trying to grade what you know is impractical; rather, I simply
try to accurately grade what it is that you present on your paper.
That is, realize that your papers will be work that must stand alone.
8-11, but questions will be drawn only from Secs.
9.6 - 9.10.1, 11.2.1, 11.3.1,
11.4, 11.6. (I assume you know the material
in Sections
9.1-9.3, 10.1-10.6.4.)
Sections 14.1-17.8, but questions
will be drawn
only from Secs.
15.4-15.6, 16.1-16.10.2, 17.6-17.7. (I assume you know the material
in Sections
14.1-14.5, 15.1-15.3. In Chap 17
I assume you’ve
already seen Fourier series, so we
emphasize the vector space
approach in 17.6-17.7, to complement your previous
background. Note
that we will not use half- and quarter-range Fourier series anywhere;
we will instead always use the
Sturm-Liouville theory instead.)
4.6, 18.1-18.3 (omit 18.3.2), 18.6.1, 19.1-19.4.1, 20.1-20.3.2
NOTE: We will use Sturm-Liouville consistently, not
any half- or
expansion formulas, so you do not
need to know the
latter. You must use the
Sturm-Liouville approach in the
exams, not
the half- or quarter-range formulas.
STARTED: Before you get started
with this course please “check in” with me by phone (or e-mail me
your phone number and a convenient time bracket for me to call you).
I can answer questions you have about the course, find out more about
you and your background, and so on. Thank you.
MEEG 690, fall 2005
INSTRUCTOR: Michael D. Greenberg,
106 Spencer Lab
302-831-8159,, FAX 302-831-3619
I'm generally in the office (106 Spencer Lab) all afternoon (with
occasional committee meetings etc.) and evening as well, but if you
are coming from off campus I advise you to make a specific
appointment so you don't miss me.
course is based entirely on three exams, which are
worth 20%, 40%, and 40% respectively. The first is arranged to be
worth only 20% so that a low grade in the first exam can probably
still be overcome. The students study the lecture notes (which
are posted, as they become available) at the ONLINE course website,
the text (below), Solutions to the Suggested Exercises
from the text, and a set of several representative Old Exams
and their solutions. These old exams are by no means intended as
providing “brackets” within which this year’s exams will fall.
They are intended only as guidelines as to what the exams look like.
In fact, during the years in which those exams were given the course
coverage might have been slightly different, so don’t lean too
heavily on them in preparing for this year’s exams. Students work
on all of these elements of the course and call me or e-mail me or
come by to visit if they are close enough to do that, in order to get
their study questions answered. Don’t hesitate to do that. Also,
there are informal question sessions before each exam, outside of
class time. These are optional. They are “question sessions”
rather than “review sessions”. For instance, a question asked
might be to go through one of the suggested exercises or exam
TEXT: “Advanced
Engineering Mathematics”, 2nd ed, 1998, by M. D.
PREREQUISITES: At a bare minimum you should have had the standard
sequence of calculus and ordinary differential equations (ODEs). You
should be able to solve any constant-coefficient linear homogeneous
differential equation or homogeneous Cauchy-Euler equation; if you
can’t do that it can hurt your grade substantially since such
equations show up in the exams in one way or another; low grades in
this course correlate with weakness in this area. It’s also
expected that you will have seen bits and pieces of the material in
this course elsewhere; the bits and pieces will vary from one student
to the next. For instance, you have probably seen some separation of
variables and Fourier series, for partial differential equations
(PDEs), in your engineering courses. Also, you will no doubt have
seen some matrix theory, and so on. Don’t worry about parts of
this course overlapping with parts of your previous courses;
stretches where we cover material that you've seen before might
provide welcome relief for you that will help you to keep up with
what would otherwise be an extremely fast pace if all of this
material were new. Use this opportunity to look more deeply at any
material you’ve seen before in other courses, for instance by
studying the text and more challenging exercises more carefully.
experience is that in this course there are usually a handful of very
low grades. Thus, see where you stand – as quickly as you can –
in terms of a possible withdrawal from the course. Feel free to call
me to discuss this if you wish, before or after the first exam. I
believe the low grades that occur are due to some combination of the
student having forgotten a lot (calculus and/or differential
equations), and simply not devoting the necessary time to the course.
Thus, I urge you to be careful about where you stand in the course
insofar as an eventual grade is concerned.
EXAMS: The grade is based solely on three
closed-book exams. Don’t be intimidated by the closed book aspect
since the course is not centered on memorization, but on
understanding. Some formulas are provided in some of the exams. For
instance, for the first exam there are usually no formulas given, but
the second exam usually includes formulas. For example, I would
certainly not expect you to memorize such formulas as the gradient,
divergence, curl, and Laplacian in spherical polar coordinates (see
the inside cover of the text for these and you’ll see what I mean).
For a guideline, see the practice exams. It is expected that exam
papers will be professional looking presentations rather than having
the look of "scratchwork," and will show steps and
reasoning (with some words and sentences, as needed). “The
answer” that I grade is not just the final result, but your whole
solution process and presentation of it. The Maple
computer-algebra system is covered in the text but will not be on the
exams. If you have Maple available to you I encourage you to
use this text to learn how to apply it to this course (unless you
already know other such systems) and some extra exercise solutions by
Maple are included to help you do that. At least 3 hours is
allowed for each exam, which should be enough time so you don’t
need to race against the clock, and for you to have enough time to
look over your work.
HONESTY: All exams are "closed book," meaning that any
use of books
and/or notes
is not permitted. You must use the paper provided at the exam by the
proctor. No communication between students is permitted during the
exams. Not to dwell on this, but I'm trying to avoid the occasional
very serious problems along these lines that have arisen in the past,
so if you have any questions about this policy please ask me.
90-l00 = A, 85-90 = A-,
80-85 = B+, 75-80 = B, 70-75 = B-
= C+, 62-66 = C, 58-62 = C-,
54-58 = D+, 50-54 = D, less = F
There are no
"makeup" exams or extra-work options available to improve
grades; I simply add the three grades and use the absolute grade
scheme defined above, so be sure that you are prepared for each exam.
The grading is very “unforgiving” since, as I said, I just add up
the points and use the absolute grade scale given above. Realize also
that trying to grade what you know is impractical; rather, I simply
try to accurately grade what it is that you present on your paper.
That is, realize that your papers will be work that must stand alone.
Sessions Sun 9/26 @ 7pm 114 Spencer Lab, Wed 9/29 @ 7:30pm 114
Spencer Lab (If you
a class til 8:15 that night come anyway when you get out of class.)
Exam Thurs
9/30 7pm 140 Smith Hall
8-11, but questions will be drawn only from Secs.
9.6 -
9.10.1, 11.2.1, 11.3.1, 11.4, 11.6. (I assume you know the material
in Sections
9.1-9.3, 10.1-10.6.4.)
Sessions Sun 11/7 @ 7pm 114 Spencer Lab, Wed 11/10 @ 7:30pm 114
Spencer Lab (If you
a class til 8:15 that night come anyway when you get out of class.)
Exam Thurs
11/11 @ 7pm 140 Smith Hall
Sections 14.1-17.8, but questions
will be drawn
only from Secs.
15.4-15.6, 16.1-16.10.2, 17.6-17.7. (I assume you know the material
in Sections
14.1-14.5, 15.1-15.3. In Chap 17 I assume you’ve
already seen Fourier series, so we
emphasize the vector space
approach in 17.6-17.7, to complement your previous
background. Note
that we will not use half- and quarter-range Fourier series anywhere;
we will instead always use the Sturm-Liouville
theory instead.)
sessions to be announced. Exam will be scheduled in finals week by
the University.
4.6, 18.1-18.3 (omit 18.3.2), 18.6.1, 19.1-19.4.1, 20.1-20.3.2
NOTE: We will use Sturm-Liouville
consistently, not any half- or
expansion formulas, so you do not
need to know the
latter. You must use the Sturm-
Liouville approach in the exams, not
the half- or quarter-range formulas.