
B. Mech. E., Cornell University, 1958

M. S. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Minor in Mathematics), Cornell University, 1960.

Ph.D. in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Minors

in Mathematics and Aerospace Engineering), Cornell University, 1964.


Teaching Assistant, Department of Theoretical and

Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, 1958-1963.

Mechanical Engineer, Dynamic Analysis Dept., Grumman

Aviation, Inc., Summer, 1958.

Research Engineer, The Barden Corporation, Summer, 1959.

Staff Scientist, Therm Advanced Research, Inc.,

Summer, 1960, and full-time from 1963-1967.

Visiting Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, academic years of 1964-1968.

Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Cornell University, 1968-1969.

Staff Consultant, Sage Action, Inc., 1968-1970.

Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Delaware, 9/69-9/71.

Associate Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace

Engineering, University of Delaware, 9/71-9/79.

Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering,

University of Delaware, 9/79-present.

Consultant to E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co., 9/82-12/82.

Courses taught

Taught (classroom and lecture) Statics and Strength of Materials and was in charge of courses in Dynamics, Differential Equations, and Advanced Strength of Materials while a graduate teaching assistant at Cornell University.

At the University of Delaware, principal yearly teaching responsibility has been a two-semester first year graduate course in Engineering Analysis (MEEG 863, 864, which are currently the courses MEEG 690, 891). Other course offerings include:

Undergraduate: Statics; Dynamics; Thermodynamics; Modeling and Analysis of Biological Sustems; Numerical Analysis; Differential Equations and Linear Algebra;

Graduate: Numerical Methods in ODE's and PDE's; Nonlinear Systems; Applied Ocean Science; Topics in Applied Linear and Functional Analysis; Topics in Nonlinear Mechanics; Application of Green's Functions; Asymptotic Methods and Perturbation Methods.

Special recognition:
(i) Undergraduate applied mathematics course (MAE 461, now MEEG 361) selected by the College of Engineering and the University Extension for a pilot program in the offering of televised instruction at off-campus sites (DuPont Louviers), "live" and with direct communication with the audience. Around 1973.
(ii) University of Delaware Excellence in Teaching Award in (April '77). One of four faculty recipients. (Award is followed by a ten year period of ineligibility.)
(iii) Faculty Advisor of the Year Award, awarded by Minority Engineering Program, in 1985.
(iv) University of Delaware Excellence in Teaching Award in April '87.