MEEG 483/683:
Orthopaedic Biomechanics General Course Information
Course Objective
The course is based on three main course objectives: an overview of the current problems
in orthopaedic biomechanics, a description of the engineering tools needed to study
biomechanics of solid tissues, and a framework for self-teaching and research.
- The first objective, an overview of the current problems in orthopaedic biomechanics,
will be achieved by overview lectures and outside speakers.
- The second objective, a description of the engineering tools needed to study
biomechanics of solid tissues, will be described by exploring stress-strain properties,
viscoelastic models, muscle-joint systems, coordinate system analysis, and static/dynamic
analysis of joint loads.
- Finally, the framework for self-teaching and research will be composed of individual
consultations, research papers, and student presentations.
The textbook
for this course will be Basic Biomechanics of the
Musculoskeletal System by Nordin, M.
& Frankel, V.H, 3rd edition, Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams
& Wilkins, 2001. In addition, we will make extensive use of supplemental material.
It will be assumed that all students have a background in statics. Students should be able
to draw free body diagrams and understain stress and strain.
Grading MEEG 483
5% Homework
20% Exam #1
20% Exam #2
20% Exam #3
35% Paper/presentation/participation
taking MEEG 483 will be expected to write a term paper and give an oral PowerPoint
presentation of their paper towards the end of the course. They will be expected to turn
in a topic of their paper by the time of the first exam and submit an outline of the paper
by the time of the second exam. These will be a part of the paper/presentation/participation grade.
MEEG 683
20% Exam #1
20% Exam #2
20% Exam #3
15% Midterm
25% Paper/presentation/participation
taking MEEG 683 will be expected to fulfill all of the requirements of MEEG 483, with the
additional requirement of a mid-term presentation. This presentation will be roughly
equivalent to that associated with the term paper, only a full written paper will not be
required. However, students should prepare a written report that will consist of a title page
with an abstract, followed by a second page with a bibliography of at least 10 journal articles
(as required in the term paper). Students must also prepare
and present a PowerPoint presentation on the topic.
The presentations must be turned in
(via e-mail, floppy disc, etc.) at the time of the talk.
The final project will be on a topic related to the biomechanics of human movement. The
written version of the paper is due by noon on Thursday, December 11, 2003. Students must also prepare
and present a PowerPoint presentation on the topic.
The presentations must be turned in
(via e-mail, floppy disc, etc.) at the time of the presentations. For MEEG 484 students, at the
time of the first midterm, students must prepare a written report that will consist of a
title page with an
abstract, followed by a second page with a bibliography of at least 10 journal articles. These
are due at the time of the first exam. A one page outline is due at the time
of the second exam.
There will be three examinations covering the material indicated in the course syllabus.
All examinations will be closed book. Calculators will be allowed.